Howdy. I want to get back into things and shake the rust off, and I've not had much in the way of finding RP's that aren't full that I'm interested in, so I'm making my own. I'm looking for higher end writing, usually mature themes (while avoiding the gratuitous gore and excess that the "meme" of 'mature content' seems to carry with it)- things will happen, and I'd like them to be handled in a tasteful, real way, that focuses on characters and character development. That being the case, I'm wanting to start a roleplay based on either the Animorphs book series, the Azure Striker Gunvolt game series, or the original Bionicle mixed media series. I can't really decide which, so I figured I'd see what drums up the most interest, as they're each fairly obscure based on my understanding/not many people are very familiar. More details are available at request, but I didn't want to make this too long, as it's only a general check. I'm willing to accept players with little to no knowledge about the setting(s). Sometimes it works better that way, and I'm always willing to explain.