As a little snippet of what I am working on, here is a piece of the Revolutionary Handbook covering revolutionary slang and code. [center] [hider=Slang Terms] [h1][color=peru][i][b][u]Slang Terms[/u][/b][/i][/color][/h1] [color=peru][i]Obviously, if we spoke the words that were on our minds, we wouldn't exactly have the easiest time meeting in public. So we have incorporated a number of key slang words to be used when one needs to deliver a discreet message in public. Anybody who grew up in the streets should already be rather fluent with these words. This, by no means, is a language book. But we felt it important that all revolutionaries at least know the most common words in the revolutionary's vocabulary. [color=gray]Purely for the player's benefit to help them immerse themselves and their character into the world just that little bit more. The GM shouldn't penalize a player not using this language when they probably should have, unless it is specifically stated within a mission's parameters that slang talk is required for discretion.[/color] [u][b]Brasser[/b][/u] Asgardian soldiers. Known as Brassers for the distinct brass plate armor they wear. "I saw a group of Brassers two blocks down." "Let's go hunt some Brassers." [u][b]Lock[/b][/u] Gun, firearm, ranged weapon of any type. "Get your locks ready! They're coming!" "The lock shipment is on schedule." [u][b]Power[/b][/u] Mana "Do we have enough power for the generator?" "We're going to hit a power transport tomorrow." [u][b]Rock[/b][/u] Mana Crystal "Go put that rock in the gyrocopter and get it ready." "My lock is dead! Pass me a rock!" [u][b]The Goal[/b][/u] Tyberia, the removal of occupying forces, freedom "The Goal is all that matters." "Fight for the Goal!" [u][b]Cogger[/b][/u] Inventors, mechanics, anyone with a technical aptitude "The cogger fixed up my arm pretty good!" "That cogger's new ornithopter sure is something." [u][b]Job[/b][/u] Mission, task, assignment "We've got a job tomorrow." "Sorry, can't stick around. Got a job to do." [u][b]'Umpteenth' Cousin[/b][/u] Other revolutionaries, just remember to take note of who is who to keep a consistant story. "My sixth cousin offered me a job, said it was a family gig." "One second, I'm going to have to ask my twentieth cousin... It's confusing, I know." [u][b]Pointer[/b][/u] Elf "The pointer said to speak to you." [u][b]Stubber[/b][/u] Dwarf "That stubber has a bit of an attitude problem..." [u][b]Conehead[/b][/u] Gnome "I hear the cogger is a crazy conehead." [u][b]Brute[/b][/u] Orc "I just got messed up by a brute!" [u][b]Hobb[/b][/u] Halfling "Hate to break it to you, but that hobb just swindled you." [u][b]Joe/Joanne[/b][/u] Human, male/female when singular. Joe can be used to represent all humans in a collective group. Additionally, the singular forms can be used as plurals if every human in a group is the same gender. "There's too many Joes in this city..." "She was the prettiest Joanne I ever saw!" "We're here to meet some Joannes, don't make it awkward! [u][b]Goodie[/b][/u] Knight, doesn't matter which order the knight belongs to. "I hear a goodie showed up in the Goal yesterday." [u][b]Sap[/b][/u] Amber Roots, Money, Currency (whether it be legal currency or improvised) "We're gonna need a lot of sap if we want that." "In here, toba sticks are sap."[/i][/color] [/hider] [/center]