[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img] [color=salmon]Word Count: 1399 (+3 exp)[/color] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]6[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 23/60 [b]Location:[/b] Edge of the Blue -> Peach's Castle[/color][/center] [color=salmon]"Oh, right, an airship. Heh."[/color] That was a good suggestion. It wasn't like the Cadet was unfamiliar with airships, but there was just so much [i]ocean[/i] around that he hadn't even thought of them. Although he wondered if an airship would be able to weather the literal storms over their destination. Kamek's off-hand suggestion of giant birds was pretty intriguing alternative, but it seemed to be shot down immediately. As the group made their way to the airship landing, they all chatted about their theories. Frankly, the Cadet himself had no clue. Magic was not even a thing where he was from, so what he knew of all that supernatural stuff was limited to what he'd experienced in the world of light. "Evil dimensions," "curses and spells" ... not really in his wheelhouse. Giant monsters yes, spooky ghost ships no. [color=salmon]"I'm sure we'll figure it out,"[/color] he said, not letting his lack of mystical know-how bring him down. [color=salmon]"And once we do, just point me in the culprit's direction!"[/color] He finished off his remark by swinging his hand in a chopping motion. At his feet, BB squealed loudly in approval. Fortunately there were others ways in which the Cadet could help out: manual labor! He was pretty damn strong, so lugging a bunch of treasure back to Limsa would be a piece of cake. [color=salmon]"I'll tag along!"[/color] he volunteered, already heading in the same direction was Junior and Sakura. [color=salmon]"I wanted to check on something back in Lumbridge anyway. Oh, and--"[/color] he turned back towards the rest of the group. [color=salmon]"I vote for Shippy by the way. That thing was cool! Maybe it can even eat spirits like whatever they got up in the hatchery?"[/color] It was an outlandish suggestion, but even he hadn't missed the way Peach and the others looked at the navy girls and how easy they could fly across the water. Getting one of their spirits would be morally questionable, and buying some winged monster and fusing with it might produce some weird results - but maybe feeding it to Shippy might make it into an airship! Not dawdling any longer, Cadet hurried after the other two and through the freshly painted portal courtesy of the koopa prince. Once back in Lumbridge, he bid them to go on ahead. [color=salmon]"I'll meet you guys there, I'm just gonna check in with the smithy sisters first."[/color] Ace Cadet made his way through the town, smiling and waving to all of the familiar faces. BB was faithfully at his heels. [i]I guess that merchant wasn't kidding about these little guys following you around, huh?[/i] He couldn't help but make a quick detour to the Guild Hall to check in with the Guildmarm, maybe show the little behemoth off to her. Despite the "guild master" being gone, or maybe because he was gone, she was busier than ever unfortunately. The forge was also seeing some business, and when the Cadet entered the establishment the middle sister Ramona was hard at work on a piece like she so often was. Though she didn't raise her head from the task at hand, Ramona noticed him come in and greeted the man with a grin. "Hey, a hero returns! How's the prince doing?" [color=salmon]"Prince...? Oh, Euden?"[/color] "Yeah. I'm sure you're all busy but it's been a while and Renee was getting worried." "Um, [i]who[/i] was getting worried?" The aforementioned Renee came out from one of their back rooms, giving her sister a look. The youngest smithy turned her attention to the Cadet, clearly eager to hear what he had to say about their prince either way. [color=salmon]"He's fine! We all split up but if I see him again I'll tell him to come say hi. Or better, you guys should come visit that city! It's so radalos!"[/color] The siblings rolled their eyes, but they were glad to hear that Euden was well. Ramona finished shaping the piece she'd been hammering at and passed it off to Renee, who carefully took it into the room she'd come out from to begin the cooling process. "So, you picking up? You wanna see what we made out of those tails, right?" [color=salmon]"Yes!"[/color] the Cadet chirped enthusiastically. Seeing the beautiful weapons and armor the craftsmen came up with was pretty much his favorite part of being a hunter. Well, the action was fun too, and helping people was great... but the [i]gear[/i] though. His eyes were practically sparkling as Ramona laughed and went about collecting his commissions. "Thanks for the extra materials you dropped off last time by the way, they went a long way," Ramona said as she sorted through the finished pieces. With protective clothes covering the items to differentiate them from the others for sale, Ramona laid out three on the counter. With no ceremony she unveiled the first item, an [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/c/c1/ScorpionTail-ffxii.png/revision/latest?cb=20130704222022]intricate looking hammer.[/url] It was unique and expertly crafted, but... [color=salmon]"Why's it so small?"[/color] Ramona balked. "What do you mean?" [color=salmon]"It's a hammer meant for fighting, right? It looks amazing! But shouldn't it be like..."[/color] the hunter trailed off and spread his arms apart until they were practically stretched as far as they could go. [color=salmon]"...???"[/color] The blonde blacksmith stared at him for a few seconds before she scoffed. "Not everyone is used to those giant things. In fact you're probably the outlier. Trust me, that hammer is really strong. If you don't want it I'm sure we could make a pretty penny with it." [color=salmon]"Wait, I didn't say I didn't want it!"[/color] the Cadet said quickly, bringing his arms down abandoning that argument. He picked up the hammer and admired it up close. It was really cool, even if it was small. It fit snugly in the waist belt of his armor. Ramona unveiled the remaining two items at once, one being a [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fairyseffect_gamepedia_en/images/1/1e/5BlmHeadN1.png/revision/latest?cb=20170504094708&format=original]draconic looking headpiece[/url] and the other a [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragalialost_gamepedia_en/images/7/7f/302097_01_50501.png/revision/latest?cb=20200927075050&format=original]beautifully dark long sword.[/url] The Cadet's eyes were drawn to the sword, and a giggle came from the other side of the room as he ogled it. "Want to upgrade?" The voice belonging to the eldest sister Rena asked. She nodded at the scythe strapped to the Cadet's back. "Unless you think you can carry all that with you, we'd be glad to take that scythe off your hands." [i]It's not that I [/i]can't[i] carry it all, but...[/i] the Cadet thought, furrowing his brows. He was physically strong enough to carry them all - every weapon he had right now were relatively lightweight compared to, say, a great sword or a chargeblade. However, carrying all of it and whatever else he came across would start to get cumbersome quickly. He drew the dark scythe from his back, looking over the blade. It was a really cool weapon, but that long sword on the table was magnificent. [i]Man, I really need to get a storage place. Maybe they'll give me a permanent room at the Alcamoth? Until then...[/i] [color=salmon]"Yeah, let's do it."[/color] [center][hider=Items from the Smithy][url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/c/c1/ScorpionTail-ffxii.png/revision/latest?cb=20130704222022][b]Scorpion Tail[/b][/url] An incredibly strong hammer known as "The Scorpion" and "Scorpion Tail." [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fairyseffect_gamepedia_en/images/1/1e/5BlmHeadN1.png/revision/latest?cb=20170504094708&format=original][b]Gorgon Eye[/b][/url] When a rod is equipped, increases skill damage. When attacking with a wind element rod, raises magical attack power and lowers skill cooldowns. [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragalialost_gamepedia_en/images/7/7f/302097_01_50501.png/revision/latest?cb=20200927075050&format=original][b]Nightsky Ripper[/b][/url] [i]"Miasma from the blade can block out the light of day, plunging the surrounding area into night. As this malevolent weapon writhes in the darkness, it paints the quiet night crimson."[/i] If the user is attuned to Shadow: increases defense when HP is 50% or above. [/hider][/center] Thanking the sisters for their work and trading his Dark Scythe for the Nightsky Ripper, the Cadet and his minion went to join Junior and Sakura back at Peach's Castle. He stepped through the portal and made his way through the building, finding the treasury pretty easily thanks to the noise being made inside. He arrived just after the cart did, and he had to take a moment to admire the literal piles of treasure. [color=salmon]"Whoooa, this is like Kulve Taroth levels of gold,"[/color] he commented. [i]Welp, better get started.[/i] The Cadet dutifully grabbed the remaining burlap sacks and started shoveling gold into them. Thank goodness he downsized somewhat, the unwieldy shape of his previous longsword would have made throwing the bags over his shoulder very uncomfortable. BB snuffled around, eventually making his way onto the cart with a single [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/sonic/images/c/c4/Ring_%28Sonic_Unleashed_360_-_PS3%29.gif/revision/latest/top-crop/width/220/height/220?cb=20160627141519]golden ring[/url] hooked around one horn. He sat down in the treasure pile that was loaded onto the cart already and didn't look like he'd be moving any time soon. At Sakura's comment, the Cadet chuckled. [color=salmon]"I'm pretty strong too,"[/color] he said, clearing downplaying himself. He had no doubt that Sakura was strong even though he hadn't gotten a chance to see her in action yet - she wore a skirt and short sleeves so her muscles were pretty clear to see. [color=salmon]"We should have an arm wrestling contest some time!"[/color] he suggested, hefting a few of the bags and getting ready to venture back. [color=salmon]"You in, Junior?"[/color] [right][sup][@Zoey Boey][@DracoLunaris][/sup][/right][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4DgO1VH.png[/img] [color=FFC6C6][i]Encounter EXP: +5[/i] Word Count: 1268 (+3 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]2[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 11/20 [b]Location[/b]: Sandswept Sky[/color][/center] The unfortunate news that the group lacked anyone experienced with healing had Primrose sighing. She'd foolishly assumed that with such a large and diverse group that at least one would be, but that was not the case. The dancer pulled out her dagger and reached down, cutting some of the fabric from the edge of her cloak away and into strips. Before Sectonia dismissed her antlions, Primrose crouched down beside one to collect some ice from it. The ice melted quickly in the desert heat, but that was what she wanted. She used the water to wash her wounds before she wrapped them as best she could, missing the firm but gentle touch of an experienced caregiver like that of Alfyn, or the immediate pain relief a cleric like Ophilia could provide. Before her thoughts got anymore wistful, Primrose regarded her new companions. They were so different from the ones she'd come to know back in Orsterra... [i]and getting even more different,[/i] she thought, watching Midna's transformation with a single eyebrow raised. It was certainly interesting to see that process firsthand. It gave Primrose the slightest bit of pause as she thought about her own plans to get stronger, but she buried that hesitant feeling as soon as it appeared. Tora approached her, bouncing to get her attention, and Primrose smiled down at him. [color=D34C25]"Thank you,"[/color] she said, her voice genuinely grateful. [color=D34C25]"It's nice to have someone appreciate the art for what it is."[/color] Primrose enjoyed dancing even now, in spite of the way she was brought into it. She was good at it too. She let Tora take the Thunderblight spirit, and didn't ask about "Din," though she kept the name tucked away in her mind. She presumed that Din was another ally of theirs, that perhaps she'd meet one day. As Tora went off to fiddle with Poppi, Primrose looked out across the desert. Those kids were all talking about a pyramid, some more animatedly than others, and Primrose thought she heard a few mentions of a "her" sprinkled into their conversation. [i]Are they looking for someone?[/i] Attacking the camel was already a detour, even though it proved useful transport, but Primrose couldn't begrudge another detour if it was a chance to find a missing loved one. That would be cruel. She was silently glad when Midna announced that she was navigating the beast in the pyramid's direction. Midna herself came over soon enough, teasing just before offering some useful information. [color=D34C25]"I suppose so,"[/color] she agreed with a smirk. Another time she might have liked to play around with the imp a little more, but Midna's mention of recovery hearts and treasure chests piqued Primrose's interests. [color=D34C25]"As [i]lovely[/i] as that sounds, I think I'll take the first option,"[/color] she said. Before leaving she nodded to Sectonia, heeding her advice. 'Don't eat the tomatoes with an 'M' on them.' The dancer raised a hand in farewell as she left the group, making her way into the belly of Naboris. The inside was made of the same ceramic-like material as the rest of the beast, not that that came as a surprise. There were windows, ramps, and spirals all around. In some places there were small dark obelisks similar to the one Midna used to steer the creature, and Primrose wondered what they could be for. There was a shallow, rectangular indent at the base of them. [i]Curious...[/i] Finding no way to interact with them, she moved on. Primrose explored a little more, walking up and down ramp and around corners, trying not to get turned around but the strangeness of the interior. Eventually she found the [url=https://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda16/Shrines/Shee-Vaneer/04.jpg]containers[/url] Midna must have been talking about. She approached it and touched the lid gingerly. Nothing seemed unusual, save for the chest's glowing... so she lifted the lid, finding a small bundle of [url=https://i.ibb.co/59PFpTD/1543959958431.png]arrows[/url] inside. [color=D34C25]"..."[/color] Primrose didn't recall anyone in their group using a bow. Still, she took the arrows with her. The heads of them were wrapped in something that might be useful. She moved on, spotting a few more chests that she knew she'd never be able to reach on her own. Chests tucked away or on the ceiling, even one dangling from a rope over the desert at the tail end of the machine. [i]This is quite the perplexing place,[/i] the dancer thought as she continued exploring. She'd have to tell the others to collect the other things she'd missed, especially those of the group that could fly. In the end Primrose was only able to open one other chest, the rest out of her reach. She was rewarded with [url=https://www.zeldadungeon.net/wiki/images/a/a5/Topaz.png]topaz[/url] for her troubles, and on her way back she visited one last room, a rather large one off of what she expected was the main chamber of Naboris. Inside, at the very center, was something suspiciously [url=https://www.zeldadungeon.net/wiki/images/4/48/Heart-container-botw.png]heart-shaped.[/url] The recovery heart? Primrose went over to it, and when she took it and held it in her hands the heart container shattered, releasing whatever magic made it work into the room. Instantly the sting of the cuts on her arms faded away. Primrose blinked. [i]It broke... I didn't think I was that rough with it.[/i] With the pain of her injuries gone, she unwrapped her makeshift bandages and saw that, indeed, her wounds were healed. Recovery heart indeed. Primrose emerged from the innards of Naboris just as the machine was setting down. It looked like they'd reached their destination. [color=D34C25]"There are still quite a few containers down there,"[/color] Primrose mentioned, showing off the arrows she'd found (though she kept the topaz for herself). If any of the more nimble or flight capable among them wanted, they could clean out the beast before they left it. As for whether to help the thieves or not, and how do so... [color=D34C25]"It seems like they're looking for a lost friend,"[/color] Primrose said. She had no concrete proof that what she said was true, but she felt that it was. [color=D34C25]"I'd like to help them."[/color] [i]However...[/i] The dancer looked out across the lake at the battle going on, too hard to make out from where they were with normal human eyes. She wondered if those people would stop to attack the giant machine when they were already attacking each other. Even if they did attack, the great camel had already proved very resilient. Even when they'd taken it down earlier, it seemed none the worse for wear. Plus, moving through a battlefield could be very dangerous... on the flip side, like Joker mentioned, it could also be an easy way to pick up spirits. Primrose could be sneaky, stealthy even, but she was no thief or assassin. Being a dancer, she was better at standing out, not blending in... but if the fighters across the lake were focused on each other's colors, it might still be possible. [color=D34C25]"Hm. A tough decision."[/color] Primrose mulled over it a few moments longer, closing her eyes and crossing her arms. [color=D34C25]"Perhaps getting as close as possible in the construct is best."[/color] Ultimately, it was up to the group as a whole, but Primrose decided to cast her vote for stomping through the middle of the fight on the machine. They would be a walking target, yes, but she thought it would be relatively safer than going on foot. Perhaps once they were finished inside they could still go about collecting any fallen fighters too.