Vreta seemed to perk up after Masgard mentioned a beach room. From the sounds of it, that was not a kind of luxury that Vreta would have expected on a Human military vessel. Although, he supposed that again might be owing to the modular design of its compartments. In any case, he was pleasantly surprised to hear that he might actually be able to enjoy at least some of the features he was accustomed to on Rothian ships. “I would not say I feel cold exactly. Or I should say, part of my implants’ functions is to maintain a healthy body temperature, so I am not in any danger of health issues, but I do naturally still feel more comfortable in warmer air. This ‘beach room’ you mention, it does sound like something I would like to visit. I think I may, after I eat. It would help me wind down for the day.” There was another brief pause as Vreta tried some of his fish fillet. He felt he liked the steak better, but he still would not call the fish “bad”, by any means. “Rothia has oceans, seas, and beaches to accompany them; some sandy, some rocky. Though, Rothia is quite a mountainous planet, compared to many others. It is also a very warm planet. Even in the mountains, the air is usually comfortably warm for us. Only the highest of peaks get to be unlivably cold to a Rothian. At sea level, the air can be rather hot. I don’t believe it is [i]dangerously[/i] hot for a Human, just make sure to stay hydrated if you want to visit.”