The second week of NaNoWriMo is known as Hell Week; it's when enthusiasm dwindles, motivation falters, and writing fatigue settles in. It's wednesday so this week is already a few days old, but how is it for you? Are you still going strong, or has your productivity gone down? Are you still enjoying writing this novel or are you beginning to wish you had never started? Remember, NaNoWriMo is about writing that novel you always wanted to write and getting a daily writing routine. If you manage to get your 50k words that is a great achievement, but there is no shame in not getting there. If you feel burned out, take a break. That's okay. If you worry about being behind, there is still time to catch up. And even if you don't, you worked on a novel that didn't exist before now. You're doing great! Remember it's okay to start late and it's okay to switch projects. Just write and enjoy this process of creating something new.