[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200918/d11e63dff7b2cc35b868d49e6d700c3a.png[/img][/center] Teddy stifled a yawn as he emerged from his bedroom, using his hand to block out the morning sunlight that was seeping in through the window. It had been a long night, with one movie turning into a mini film festival of his mom’s favourites. They’d all been so exhausted afterwards that they had all just headed straight to bed, leaving a series of empty bowls of popcorn still filled with unpopped kernels littered the lounge’s floor and coffee table. He groaned a little as his eyes took in all the mess, before glossing over the remnants of someone having prepared food on the kitchen worktops. That paired with the door to his mom’s bedroom being slightly ajar told him that she had already departed for work. He nodded in affirmation before heading to work, moving a few plates and pieces of cutlery into the sink. It used to bother him that she worked Saturdays, yet as he had grown older, he understood that she would have been here if she could’ve. They needed that money. So while she was out there doing her job, Teddy didn’t mind doing his job of tidying up around the house. Besides, he wasn’t always spending these mornings alone anymore. Billy groaned slightly from beneath his blanket on the sofa, seemingly still in the exact same position he had been in last night when the Altman’s had retired to their rooms. While Teddy’s mom was extremely happy and welcoming of Billy, she at least had some lines, the main one being that Billy had to stay out on the sofa. He didn’t mind too much; at least they got to be together. However, given how Billy had been the previous night, Teddy currently wanted nothing more than to just be there with him and know he was ok. On the surface, you would think it had been the perfect night, with Teddy loving nothing more than spending a quiet night with the people he loved. But it was hard to enjoy things when he knew Billy was hurting inside. He had stayed quiet throughout the duration of the movies, barely stifling a laugh at the campy costumes and effects like he did normally. Even Teddy’s mum had noticed, with her occasionally flashing the two with a look of concern from across the room. As he moved around the room picking up plates, his attention moved from Billy to the morning sky outside. He smiled for a second before a small wave of guilt hit him. He remembered Billy looking out this very same window hours ago, probably contemplating the weight of the “destiny” that had been thrust upon him. Despite Billy’s reluctance, part of him wanted nothing more than to have some kind of path laid out for him. Sure, he and Billy used their mutant abilities to help, but surely there was a way to do more? Surely there was a way for Teddy to help him deal with what he was going through right now. Bzzt. Teddy jumped slightly as his phone buzzed into life from within his pyjama pants. He welcomed the distraction from his negative thoughts immediately, swiping his fingers across the screen so nothing but Twitter was on his phone and in his mind. He sat there bemused for several minutes, perched on the arm of the sofa, scrolling continuously. However, even this could not distract him forever. His ears pricked up slightly as a notification came through from one of the Avenger fan pages he followed. It seemed that mere minutes ago, one of his heroes, the Avengers had made an appearance. This wasn’t all that strange, with similar notifications appearing constantly most days as people like Iron Man were spotted soaring through New York, or Black Widow taking part in peace talks at the UN. However, as Teddy watched the shaky video before him of a beam of light descending on the British countryside, his mind raced back to a dumb joke he had made to Billy the previous night. He moved immediately, rushing to his boyfriend's side, his arms gripping his shoulders as he began to shake him awake. “[color=tomato]What… what the fuck are...[/color]” Billy managed, visibly annoyed at having been awoken from his slumber. Teddy almost laughed at the sight of him, his hair standing out at various angles atop his head, as his dazed eyes glared blankly at him. “[color=mediumpurple]Babe, get dressed,[/color]” Teddy instructed, using his hand to smooth out his partner's bed hair. “[color=mediumpurple]We’re going to get you some answers about your God stuff.[/color]” "[color=tomato]But it's a Saturday![/color]"