[hider]Rolled a 7. Charm resisted[/hider] The woman leaned her broom on the wooden wall of the house, setting it aside so she could better face the two newcomers. Crossing her arms under her chest, she gave them a scrutinizing gaze. Dark hair tied in a loose bun, she seemed equally as applicable as a disapproving school teacher as the waitress or tavern keeper she evidently was. "So, you two are out of money, but you'd rather pay for a room?" She remarked, letting the logic speak for itself. After letting the words sit for awhile, she smiled. The elf behind them sang happily, his tune fading into a more soft melody. "I wasn't lying when I said the inn was full. We've had a lot of travelers recently. I cleaned the barn myself. It does not smell, nor are there any animals in there. You've probably seen all the cattle on your way in. They sleep close to town. We tend not to get any wolf problems here, thankfully." Smoothing a fringe of her hair out of her sharp eyes, she continued. "We do have some problems with goblins, however. Yes I know, very classically problematic. But they've been making racket up in the western area of the valley and a hunter has gone missing. If you look into it, the mayor will probably give you a reward with anything concrete." A portly man stepped out of the side door beside the inn, carrying a small cauldron of steaming water. He poured it onto the small side street, glancing Arden's way before he completely did a double take, having heard the woman. "Val?" He called. He wore an apron over a stained wool shirt and breeches. "You didn't tell these newcomers we had a spot did you?" "No! Go back inside Horace!" She called. "[sub]Get out of here![/sub]" They heard Horace yell at the elven minstrel across the street. The elf giggled and danced away into an alleyway. "[sub]Fucking bard![/sub]" Valarie rolled her eyes, letting Horace go back inside before she continued. "Look, let me take you to the barn and get you your blankets. I'll grab some food, provided you can pay for it. Tomorrow you can help the town." She declared, as if she were a mother speaking to extra rowdy friends of her children. "Is that good or do you have any other requests? I'm sure the mayor will let you stay with him." Clearly she was kidding. [@Tortoise][@Fetzen]