Some asshole drove into a pole so I haven't had internet all day, but I'm gonna put some of the questions I've been asked in the meantime here. [quote=@Obscene Symphony] [@Hero] [hider=Possible spoilery question about Brigid?] Since Edelgard's dumbass war never happened, does that mean Brigid is still a vassal state to the Empire? If so, wouldn't it be plausible for other Brigid nobles to attend Garreg Mach as part of the Black Eagles class too? I know Petra was more of a hostage than anything, but if Brigid is essentially a province of the Empire, after 300 years maybe they're sending students to Garreg Mach on purpose now.[/hider] [/quote] actually a great point. I'll recant what I said before and allow characters from Brigid if people want to be from there. [quote=@Scribe of Thoth] [@Obscene Symphony][@Achronum] Aight, bet. Probably making a mounted knight then. Or maybe an archer depending on what other people do. [/quote] Ditto what they said, I'm kinda throwing out anything the story does in favor of my own plot so you don't [i]really[/i] need to know anything? The (arguably) most important thing to know I'll definitely update the OOC with either links or a small blurb on each empire/kingdom/alliance place so that people have some idea what to look for, or they can always ask as I'm always around. Alternatively/In the case that my explanations don't suffice, the [url=]Fire Emblem Wiki[/url] does a fantastic job explaining things [s]and I'll probably copy/paste the more important stuff from there[/s]. I'm also putting down something [@Tony Pajamas] brought up: Crests are considered blessings from the Goddess, which in a religious place like Fódlan (the continent we're all in) is a pretty big deal. Noble houses in particular determine the line of succession purely by these, so if a duke finds himself with three kids without Crests, he may as well have no heirs and could find his position compromised by his younger brother who happens to have two kids with Crests. This also works in the commoners' favor: if your kid is born with one, you could always arrange a marriage and score you some money, a title, or in some cases fame. In game, Crests provide an ocassional buff usually coordinated with their strengths, but in this rp we'll be applying that to the less-talked-about-but-still-prevalent alternate powers they give. Some crests give their users strength (such as Prince Dimitri's Crest of Blaiddyd), some greatly boost their users' magical prowess (Like Lysithea's Crest of Gloucester), and in less known cases give the ability to speak to animals (like Marianne's Crest of the Beast). For RP purposes we can try to stick to those, and if in doubt just ask and I'll okay, veto, or suggest an alternative. I know [@POOHEAD189] and [@Lauder] would probably benefit from knowing this, too, (I'm not sure if [@ThatCharacter] has played or not, but just in case I'll tag them as well), and as always I am here for questions and answers. I'll add this Crest info to the OOC.