[quote=@Dog] [hider=Alarico Rallo] [color=fff200]Appearance[/color]: [img]https://image.over-blog.com/lMuBlyGuAiauASPKWy9Q7sOhhKQ=/fit-in/500x500/filters:no_upscale()/idata%2F3405132%2FScientifiques2%2FDannenberg-Konrad.jpg[/img] [color=fff200]Name[/color]: Alarico Rallo [color=fff200]Age[/color]: 50 [color=fff200]Race[/color]: Human [color=fff200]Personality[/color]: Alarico Rallo is quite a nice person to meet. He’s soft-spoken, for the most part, and very polite. Alarico always takes care of his guests and friends. If you knew nothing about his past or his dirty secrets then anyone would think that Rallo is a swell and upstanding honest man. On the other hand, Rallo is also highly power hungry and calculating. Alarico does not mind breaking the bones of poor workers and others to ensure that his company profits keeping flowing. Rallo looks down on others, mainly the poor and lower-class people, as inferior - seen as a waste of time for him. [color=fff200]Backstory[/color]: Alarico Rallo, born in Midgar, had a wealthy upbringing. Letizia Rallo, Alarico’s father, owned a fledgling heavy industrial company that specializes in iron metalworking and heavy machine goods. Combined with the wealth gained from past ventures and family ties, money was no issue at all for young Alarico. Afforded the best private education and tutoring, Alarico quickly became well-versed in academia, especially in the theory of management, engineering, and finances. Once coming of age, at the ripe age of 23, Alarico Rallo took over Rallo Heavy Industries as his feather died from health complexes after a mana-incident back some years ago. In his written will, Letizia expressed great concerns for the company and if his son could successfully lead the business. Not wishing to fail his family name, his father, and himself, Alarico Rallo went on a ruthless journey to ensure that General Machine & Tool would become a titan of industry. With no concerns for morals and ethics, a lesson influenced from his father’s actions, Alarico first sought to defang the growing labor movement within his local state. A union threatens the profits and bottom line of the company, with their so-called labor rights. Alarico will not have his material interests be stamped on by some lowly-poor workers. With his wealth, the man hired a sizable army of lobbyists to flood the courts, demanding that labor-rights and anything associated with it were highly dangerous to “freedom” and whatever else the lobbyists could come up with. This was his aboveboard approach, but Alarico employed plenty of belowboard tactics to ensure that any leftist movement will not stop the business. Strike-breakers, thugs, and criminals were hired out to do damage and harness the organizing and militant workers. Soon, Alarico joined up with other local companies to mount an effective campaign to stop the rights of workers and others, resulting in a success in the area. The radicals were stopped, for now, and Alarico now had other competition to deal with. In an effort to beat out the other companies, Rallo lowered his prices to the cheapest. Alarico had enough wealth to outlast the others and simply just waited for them to become bankrupt. Slowly but surely, all but the biggest heavy industrial companies in the local area were unable to sustain this war of attrition, with Rallo happily buying out whole businesses in wake of CEOs declaring bankruptcy. Once the whole ordeal was done, Alarico had a local monopoly on heavy industrial goods and machines (iron, rollers, large-furnaces, etc). A few years passed and Alarico’s coffers refilled, much more bigger from last time. In his pursuit of more wealth and political power, Alarico started to employ more ruthless methods of corporate and industrial espionage and sabotage against his regional competition. The political theatre also became a battleground as Alarico and others sought to gain lucrative contracts from state and city governors, along with the land rights to resource rich lands of ore, coal, and potential mana deposits. As the battle for contracts and land rights went underway, Alarico expanded General Machine & Tool into the realm of military production, in an attempt to bring in more wealth, equaling more political power. Asgard needed to update its arms, mainly its ballistic rifles. The old muzzle loaded percussion cap rifles were quickly becoming obsolete as the eastern city states were phasing in brand breech-loaded rifles. A new open contract was opened to the whole of the empire. The millions of old rifles had to be refurbished into some kind of breech-loaded design. Alarico, along with the rest of the companies in the empire, jumped on the contract. In total, six guns were present with Alarcio’s design winning out at the end of the trials. Alarcio’s design was simply a trapdoor method, cutting the muzzle-loaded breach and then installing the new breech-loaded trap door instead. General Machine & Tool got the contract and became quite more wealthy, having to covent millions of rifles into the new breech-loaded design. Fast forwarding 30 years later, much has changed since last time. New technology, events, and history. General Machine & Tool (GMT) has grown to a titan of industry as Alarico wanted it to, sharing a spot among the other companies labeled as such. Cheap steel has made itself onto the scene with the Bessemer process. New weapons like the bolt-action rifle are making it into the hands of soldiers. New sources of mana have been found, leading to a massive mana rush, and countless other discoveries and advancements in society and tech. Most importantly, a new wave of nationalist revolutionaries are growing, ranging from socialists, fascists, and what you have. Alarico seeks to exploit this for his own gain. [color=fff200]Skills and Abilities[/color]: [color=fff200]Accomplished Politics[/color] : “Politics is hell, I’ll tell you. Working with lobbyists, lawyers, politicians, and whoever else, is quite an experience. You need to know who is who and what’s what. Build up good working relationships with people, and pay them from time to time to look the other way. If there’s a honest politician, a rare sight I’ll say, then run a media campaign against him. Drown him with enough bad press, and it’ll work for the most part.” [color=fff200]Master Business[/color] : “Who made GMT into what it is today? I DID! I am the sole reason that my father’s company is still alive and thriving. I outplayed my competition with ruthless efficiency. Don’t you forget it. I made GMT into the largest defense and heavy industrial company in the Empire. I’m the one who fueled the massive-industrialization of the Empire. I am GMT!” [color=fff200]Adept Engineer[/color] : “I made a good share of my own inventions back in my days. First the breech-loaded rifle then the bolt-action. I assisted in the design of the Bessemer furnace. I even, for a short time, did urban and factory planning before I hired someone to do it for me. A good amount of my designs were never realized, but the few that did made me a lot of profits. Not enough profits, I say. [color=fff200]Equipment[/color]: N/A for now. [/hider] [/quote] Well I like the direction the character is headed in, but I am a bit pensive about his age. Being that the revolutionaries are engaging in a violent conflict with Asgard, Alarico doesn't look or seem the type to be able to carry his own weight in a battle. I'd suggest dropping his age maybe into his late thirties (low forties is about as high as I'd go). Bear in mind that humans in this world live to about 60 years, health dependent of course, and in a world where their common power source is literally a radioactive source, it isn't often that people live much longer than that without experiencing some serious health issues. Plus Yggdrasil's healthcare systems aren't as good as our own for a number of [url=https://paintingvalley.com/images/plague-doctor-painting-4.jpg]reasons[/url] (I tried finding a crazy gnome doctor but... Turns out the little fellas are hard to find). In his current iteration, Alarico seems like he would make a great supporting character or Ally. Given, his alignment with the resistance is purely a selfish economic one, he should still be able to be trusted and liked enough so that others know he isn't going to cut ties the instant his investments get too risky. I like the direction of the character, he just needs some fine tuning to be able to fit in with the cast of characters better. EDIT: I should also state that the original intent for the character is fine, being that he is in it for his own financial gains. Just that he should be able to play the part of a resistance fighter as well. Perhaps he gets personally invested in the fight as the plot progresses?