[center][h2]The Village of Skan, home a minor tribe[/h2][/center] The sounds of battle were already dying, the small village of Skan already buckling under the ferocity of Jjonveyo’s forces. Every house had a busted down door, pools of blood painting the entrances of the more resistant Skanians. Jjonveyo himself stood before a violent man far past any notion of reason. The Skanian man held a copper bladed axe with both hands, fury burning in his eyes. They stood between two homes, a cowering boy not even in his double digits was hiding in the shadows, tears running down his face. With a roar, the Skanian swung his axe. Despite his enormous size, Jjonveyo moved like liquid out of its way, angling himself for his own hefty swing. His own axe swung quick, cleaving into the man’s skull and knocking his corpse off its feet. The body bounced off the wall of the house before folding to the ground. Jjonveyo gritted his teeth, dark eyes falling on the cowering boy. Jjonveyo’s footsteps seemed to shake the boy’s world with each impact until finally the giant of a man was towering over him. The heavy axe head thudded into the ground beside the boy, Jjonveyo kneeling until he was face to face with the sobbing child. The boy’s cheeks were stained red with tears, snot dripping from his nose. Jjonveyo met the sight with a hard analytical glare. The boy was breathless with sobs, so Jjonveyo seemed to talk for him. The Tsar’s voice rumbled, shaking the boy’s attention so they stared eye to eye. “Do you want to live?” The boy nodded quickly. “So do we,” Jjonveyo slowly offered a calloused hand. Scared, the boy slowly gripped the man’s fingers. With a ginger pinch, Jjonveyo grabbed ahold of the boy’s hand and slowly lifted him to his feet. “My Tsar!” Piotr’s voice found Jjonveyo, and the dark man turned to his retainer. “Take census of the village,” Jjonveyo commanded quickly, “Let the survivors know I prefer peace.” “Yes my Tsar,” Piotr nodded, “But I hold news.” The Tsar’s eyes darkened, glaring deep into Piotrs. The Retainer tipped his head to avoid eye contact, “The Village of Jren refuses to give tithe on account that they aren’t Čeleviak.” A deep hum growled from Jjonveyo, his eyes flickering over to the boy then back at Piotr, “They insult their Tsar and kin?” “I’m afraid so.” Jjonveyo exhaled through his nose, “What is their census?” “About two hundred and fourteen individuals.” “The Tsar prefers mercy; execute every tenth, hang their elder, and inform them that they are now Čeleviak.” Jjonveyo stood perfectly straight, eyes flickering once again at the boy. “We are all in this together. To tithe is to ensure your kin and kith live, to deny the tithe is a grave crime against all.” He flicked back to Piotr, “Demtri will be boyar of Jren in place of their elder, inform him of my desires.” Jjonveyo kicked his axe up and over his shoulder, walking away from his most recent victory. “My Tsar?” Piotr’s voice came again. Jjonveyo didn’t stop, a simple “Hm?” Coming from him. “Wojeck still hasn’t sent word.” “Mm...” The groan came, “No doubt the proud and greedy of Ha-Duna have done something vile. What do the Auspices say?” Jjonveyo turned to Piotr. Piotr shrugged. “They returned to your hall after your victory over Aleksiej.” Jjonveyo frowned deeply, “We will head to the hall of the Tsar, then, and consult them.” He paused, “No doubt they have grown lazy on my pillows and drunk with my dancers.” Disappointed he let out another rumble, “They will march with me after they give me the reading I know they will.” [hider=A shortie] WE visit the village of Skan where we find the end of a tiny invasion by Jjonveyo concluding. He lectures a scared child briefly and passes judgement on a rebelling village nearby known as Jren. After requesting census to be taken on Skan and punishment on Jren, he is reminded about Wojeck’s absence. He requests the insight of the Auspices but is informed that they left his company for his hall after his campaign against Aleksiej and so he decides to head home to gather them before marching on Ha-Duna.[/hider] [hider=Prestige]5+2=7, Jjonveyo[/hider]