[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BKV06Ya.png[/img][/center] [color=DeepSkyBlue]“Greetings, your Majesty,”[/color] Steph said as she entered and bowed before the king. Her eyes hardened as she took note that Tornel was also present, along with a pink-haired girl. Presumably this was the “Sarah” the fairy had mentioned. [color=DeepSkyBlue]“My name is Stephanie, and this is Peter,”[/color] she informed, gesturing to the young apprentice who was currently cowering behind her. [color=DarkGray]“H-Hello…”[/color] the apprentice said meekly, rather overwhelmed by his current situation. First an oracle, then the leader of the wizards, and now the king himself! This was certainly the most remarkable day of his young life, and it was getting to be a bit much for the poor young man. [color=DeepSkyBlue]“We came here at the request of Master Minoc,”[/color] Steph continued. [color=DeepSkyBlue]“He told us that we would be met by the wise wizard Tornel, but when we arrived, Tornel locked us in a chamber and called us servants of Draygon! Minoc even told us to present this weapon to him,”[/color] she explained, while retrieving the sword from her backpack. [color=DeepSkyBlue]“But he carelessly dismissed it without even looking at it! There’s one other thing,”[/color] she added in a more reserved tone. [color=DeepSkyBlue]“I’m not an apprentice of Minoc. I’m actually what you people would call an oracle. I’m sorry, Sir Gravy,”[/color] she told the knight, trying not to laugh as she said his ridiculous name. [color=DeepSkyBlue]“I didn’t want to lie to you, but we needed to see the king and explain the situation to him.”[/color] “Gadzooks!” the paladin exclaimed. “Are you to tell me that I have been in the presence of one of the legendary oracles this entire time?! Truly extraordinary! It was my honor to be of service to you, my lady!” he declared, bowing to her in deference. Then, sobering, he added, “And though I bristle at your deception, I can see that it was for a worthy cause. Thus, it shall be my great pleasure to accept your apology!” [color=DeepSkyBlue]“Thank you,”[/color] Steph said while treating the paladin to a warm smile. [color=DeepSkyBlue]“That really means a lot. Oh, and you don’t need to do the whole ‘my lady’ thing. Just call me Steph.”[/color] “Very well, young Steph,” Sir Gravy acquiesced. “I shall respect your wish for modesty. And what of you young Peter,” the paladin inquired. “Are you also an oracle of legend?” [color=DarkGray]“N-No, sir,”[/color] Peter stammered. [color=DarkGray]“I-I’m just an ordinary apprentice. I-In fact, I p-probably shouldn’t even be here…”[/color]