Vreta was somewhat surprised by the location that Freyr pinged. It was a combat simulation room, and he did not take her to be much of a soldier. Although, from what he had seen her go through during their encounters in the past, it probably should not have been surprising that she would want to know how to defend herself. Provided, of course, that was what she was doing at the simulator. He supposed she could be there for other reasons. In any case, Vreta decided to go to Freyr right away. He doubted that any of his questions would be anything that would require great deliberation or consideration. He just wanted to run some pamphlets by her. Vreta could see what he interpreted as suspicion in the eyes of the first soldier he encountered when he approached the combat simulation module, but that seemed to relax once he gave his reason for being there. As long as he stuck to the firing range and was not trying to intrude on military operations, then he was not going anywhere he was not allowed to be. In any case, he was pointed to the corner of the room, towards a collections of booths arranged in a line. Though, even without directions, the sounds of gunfire would have been a reasonable sign. As he drew near, Vreta lowered the sensitivity of his hearing to high-decibel sources of sounds so he could at least [i]somewhat[/i] filter for voices. Freyr was easy to spot, as she rather stood out among those using the range. As for the woman that she had been talking to before his arrival, Vreta himself did not recognize her face, but his implants quickly pulled up her image from memory. It was [i]that[/i] agent. And to her presence…Vreta could not help but to smile. “Hello there.” Vreta remarked, grinning at both Freyr and the agent.