[indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent] [sup][h1][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/dQjIHRb.png[/img][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/h1][table=bordered][row][cell][/cell][/row][row] [cell][center][color=bca346]Holding Sublevel B2[/color][/center] [color=gray][i]This room...[/i][/color] [color=silver]...is two parts. Simple cuboid with a door that leads to a second, similarly shaped room that one could assume is [i]usually[/i] meant for interrogations. There is a holo-table in the center of this room that is currently turned off. The side opposite from the door that Kefira uses to enter through is a blank wall. To the left is a number of blinking and buzzing monitors sitting on a counter. The light in this room is bright enough to see easily.[/color] [/cell][/row][/table][/sup] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][color=silver]One medical officer in particular perked up as soon as she announced herself. The wrinkled, olive-green bodysuit twisted around awkwardly toward the sound of her voice and goggle framed eyes found the woman as she wandered in and began asking around. [color=white]"O-officer Kefira!"[/color] He yelled out with a little more excitement than either of them had expected. As he turned to greet her, his hip bumped clumsily into the edge of the table that was his workspace but the man gave little to no reaction. [color=white]"You're here!"[/color] As he spoke, he tore away his head covering revealing the man underneath: Ebony skin and dark brown eyes that seemed only slightly glazed over. Short hair nearly buzzed and the signs of facial hair that had been recently done away with. His nose was slightly longer than the norm but besides that and a peculiar looking stud fixed to his left ear, there was little else to see. [color=white]"You look great. I mean good. Like you're doing good... healthy."[/color] His eyes flashed dull shades of grey to white as he looked her over. [color=white]"It's... wow. Just. Uh... It's good to meet you. Lorelei... and what the rest of us are allowed to know about your work. It's amazing. Really. I mean to live [i]with[/i] Skittles? What was that even like?"[/color] When he'd glossed over her entirety twice, his eyes settled once again on the dark brown from before. [color=white]"Actually, I'm so sorry. My manners. Uh. Peter Bradbury as you already know. And you're Officer Kefira. Here for work which is what I should get to... uh... Aida. Yes."[/color] Peter quickly returned to his station and tapped at one of the monitors before moving toward the opposite wall. [color=white]"So I have been made your chief medical and science officer for the duration of this investigation. You can come to me for anything including whatever you find on the field you think I may be able to help you with [i]or[/i]..."[/color] Once he was at the wall, he tapped its surface as well and it became transparent. On the other side was the holding cell where a man in a similar suit to Peters was standing opposite to the waiting Aida. [color=white]"...Upgrades. Like our Aida unit here. It is... incredible to get to work with the first batch of the version fours. I mean I know... They did some terrible things but they've really outdone themselves with the new features... Which we'll get to right now. I'm so sorry. I ramble."[/color] With his right hand, he grabbed a ball of air and pulled it toward himself. A dialogue box was dragged onto the wall. [color=white]"This process is complicated but only on our end. All you have to do is get to know him. After you two have talked for a bit and you think you're ready, you can tell me and we'll get started on setting up specific commands that you can say that will override any process or actions he's taking. They're direct to his core programming and must be obeyed. Safety guards. And it doesn't just have to be 'safe words'. It can be any action besides self-harm. Any."[/color] [color=white]"Did you have any questions before we started?"[/color] [/color]