“Do you not think it strange that Vreta was at an abandoned facility, snooping around a crime scene when those things attacked? And now, he’s miraculously been appointed as a liaison on our top secret mission to investigate Cradle activity on Rothia. The alien can’t stay away from you, and I'm sorry to say it’s not because of your sparkling personality. It’s because you’re one of our top scientists working on the Cradle.” Freyr looked into the agent’s beautiful grey eyes, dumbfounded and slightly angered by what she was saying. “Vreta’Sori is a spy, Dr Lang. All of the Rothians covet our most precious asset. And now our own administration has given them direct access to it.” 595 spat the last few words with such vitriol that Freyr involuntarily took a step away from her. “But...Vreta said he was selling Rothian components to human companies to test in the Cradle. That’s why he was there...and at the meeting the Ambassador said-” “Freyr, for fuck’s sake open your eyes! The whole Rothian establishment is in on it. They’d say just about anything to protect their agent. Just like we’d do anything to stop the Cradle falling into the wrong hands.” 595 moved toward Freyr, assault rifle cradled under one arm. "Vreta'Sori isn't your friend. The lines are going to continue to blur, I can't stop that. But that doesn't mean we should forget who we both work for. I apologise for my delivery, but I need to make sure you understand." Before Freyr could answer, they were interrupted by the sound of Vreta entering the booth. "Vreta'Sori! We were just talking about you." 595 smiled sweetly, taking the lead. "How are you?"