“I’m feeling fine, personally.” Vreta answered Agent 595. “I slept in a while. It was nice to get some rest after yesterday. I also got a good workout this morning, or…well, a [i]decent[/i] one. The civilian gym on the ship isn’t really meant for my level of augmentations. I put in a request for higher grade equipment; I just hope they don’t see me as too ‘demanding’. I’m here to solve problems, not cause them.” He grinned. Vreta maintained his friendly demeanor when he turned his attention towards Freyr. “And how are you, Freyr? I’ll admit, I didn’t expect to find you in a place like this. I didn’t take you for a soldier. Of course, I suppose I don’t look like much of one on the outside either, so…appearances can be deceiving.” Vreta gave a quick glance downrange at the targets. He did have some work-related questions to ask Freyr, but it was hardly time-sensitive. “Are you two going to be staying at the range for any longer? I wouldn’t mind joining in, myself.”