Freyr didn’t know what to think when Vreta addressed her. If what 595 had said was true, part of her hated both of them for getting her involved in this skulduggery; frankly she wanted no part in it. There was also a part of her that simply didn’t believe 595’s narrative. Freyr didn’t know anything about her, or the mysterious Director-General who was apparently was in charge of them both. Their evident commitment to the Cradle appeared to dwarf even hers, and she wasn’t clear why yet. She vaguely remembered claims of assassination being flung around in that fateful meeting a few months ago. But here 595 and Vreta’Sori both stood, being perfectly cordial with each other. She just couldn’t make sense of it. For now, she just had to focus on getting through this conversation without slipping up. Freyr partially returned to her senses when Vreta said something about her not being a soldier. “Yeah, I umm, I wanted to learn how to defend myself. Seemed appropriate, considering everything that’s happened.” She glanced at the time, she’d been here a while already, but couldn’t think of any good reason to leave, so she nodded. “I can carry on..” She looked at 595, who nodded strenuously. “I’m not going anywhere - this is far too much fun. Shall we make things a bit more interesting?” She fiddled with the interface for a few seconds and the targets began moving quickly in all directions downrange. Freyr's eyes grew wide when she saw the speeds the targets were moving at “Err...this is my first time on the range, i’m not sure i’ll be able to-” “You’ll be fine! They won’t bite you, just watch their path and try to anticipate where they’ll be when you fire.” 595 chirped, heading back to her booth before raising her massive assault rifle and laying waste to half a dozen targets at once. The noise was deafening, which made it all the harder for Freyr to focus on shooting her own targets. “I hope our feeble selection of Human weapons doesn’t disappoint your Rothian sensibilities, Vreta?” 595 asked in the short pause after her gun stopped to cool down.