Vreta shrugged, looking down at the simple pistol he took in his hand once he went to his own booth. “They are fairly small in my hands, and of course your weapons don’t have the power of our own, but they are still lethal. And they are still a step up from some of the other weapons I have seen out in the galaxy. There are species out there still using metal and gunpowder for their projectiles.” The most important detail about the pistol to Vreta was the fact that it had software that could link to his neural implant. With that, his combat assistance program could paint a reticle for him, even if the weapon itself was out of his field of view. It could also visualize recommended adjustments for him to make to put himself on target, and even display the predicted path of the projectile. The chaotic conditions of real combat could certainly muddy the waters, but his combat suite essentially made simple target shooting trivial. He did not even need to use particularly good form in order for him to land shot after shot with remarkable accuracy onto vital areas of the simulated targets. Unlike the agent, Vreta still paid attention to what Freyr was doing after finishing his targets. He put down his weapon and leaned back out of his booth. “Do you have any implants that would help you with shooting, Freyr? I just want to get an idea of what sort of assistance you may or may not be getting.”