[hider=022805] [center][b]Name:[/b] Laika 022805 [b]Appearance:[/b] Laika resembles a small, slender, rather sickly-looking individual. She is angular in figure and lacks much in way of muscle definition. Picking her up doesn't look like it would be very difficult. Her hair is dark, inky in colour and reaches down to her lower back. Thee things are a bit less immediately noticeable than the artificial aspects of Laika. Numerous cables hang down from the back of her skull and shoulders, and matte painted white plates are set into either side of her forehead. The irises of her eyes are white and glow in low light, being comprised of photoreceptive cells rather than biological material. A ridge of metal runs down her back, level with her spine. She is generally seen wearing compression garments that cover most visible skin below her neck. Sometimes other roomier clothes are worn over the top. [hr] [b]Personality:[/b] Laika is, on paper, a highly intelligent subject. Her use in the project stemmed from her high IQ and capacity for handling large amounts of information. However whatever has been done to make her into what she was in the present has resulted in a person, or creation, that doesn't have a great deal or social or emotional intelligence. As far as many of the staff are concerned, Laika isn't a lot more than a machine in human shape that carries out instructions without question or comment. Any more extended interaction might reveal that that isn't quite the case. She appears very emotionally flat and often 'speaks' in stock phrases, making it quite difficult to read what she is thinking or indeed how much active thinking is going on. One could take it as a genuine mistake when she has opened gates or destroyed consoles, or one might take it as a deep-seated resentment towards her creators. It's quite hard to tell, and it probably wouldn't benefit Laika to make it clear either way. [hr] [b]Abilities:[/b] Technopath (30) - An comparatively early iteration, Laika is extremely specialized in one area, designed as a form of targeted support for more physical combat projects, an all-seeing eye that is able to hack any security system, see through any camera and unlock any door. This has, largely, been successful. Laika is an extremely powerful technopath whose abilities make most any electronics in her vicinity an effective extension of her own senses. If there is a camera nearby, she is able to see through it. If there is a speaker, she can project a pitch-corrected facsimile of a voice. In theory, she could operate most machinery in her general area. However, for security reasons and inhibitor was installed that prevents Laika from gaining full control of large systems without a physical cable connection into it, something that leaves Laika static and potentially vulnerable whilst her full focus is on the work. [b]Doctor: [/b]Dr. Hayes [/center] [/hider]