[center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181218/578538e83c8e1f1e49ce45dd78459916.png [/img] [sub]Interaction: [@FalloutJack][@samakama] Mention: [@6slyboy6][@Jade Kiyo][/sub] [hr][/center] Narvia had a look of a bit of nostalgia on her face since she made Kebabs for her godfather and most of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet’s Capital Ship called the Dragon’s Claw. She had a large smile on her face, which was always be reminded about it; she feels more at ease in a kitchen than anything. She definitely agreed with what Ariel had said about celebrating and making food for everyone, including Phi and Amy. [color=FFB6C1]” Y-Yeah, this is going to be really nice!”[/color] She exclaimed really happily. Obviously, she was excited to cook for everyone else like she did on the Dragon’s Claw. However, she heard someone speak behind her, which she looked at, and it was Nero. She smiled at him while holding Mr. Cuddleton. [color=FFB6C1]” A-Aww, thank you! I will be grateful for your expertise with knives, Nero.”[/color] She spoke with a grateful look on her face at what he had said. It was nice to see everyone coming together to help her. She blinked slightly when Ariel asked her what Kebabs are like, which made her think about it slightly. [color=FFB6C1]” I-I think one of the six chefs on the Dragon’s Claw said, Kebabs are close analogs to [i]sate.[/i]”[/color] She spoke, answering Ariel’s question, with an adorably cute smile. If anything, she did learn much about certain things while being in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. In terms, she heard what Ariel said afterward and slightly had a slight pout-like look on her face. However, making it super greasy wouldn’t probably be a good idea. [color=FFB6C1]” A-Alright, I will not make it super greasy, but it’ll still be greasy enough. T-Thank you for doing the side dishes, Ariel.”[/color] She spoke with a tone of basically slightly dejected or disappointed. Narvia giggled slightly at the mention of a certain someone, knowing who Ariel was speaking about, Iris. [color=FFB6C1]” H-Hehe, you were talking about Iris, weren’t you? It is a good idea to do that to make a balanced kebab party with veggies and eggies.”[/color] She spoke with a cute tone on saying eggies. Obviously, she picked it up from her mother when her mother cooked dinner all those years ago. However, she decided to look over the kitchen and only noticed one thing, there was very little stuff to make Kebabs, but at least there were the proper tools to do so. She did notice Ariel had a similar look of like, what where is all the stuff. It didn’t take her much time to nod about what Ariel had said. [color=FFB6C1]” Y-Yeah, good idea. Better to go to the cargo hold to get the necessary ingredients.”[/color] She spoke, with a bit of annoyed look on her face. It would be better to go with Ariel, which she did decide to go with her. While Narvia kept close to Ariel and followed her to the Cargo Hold to get ingredients, she heard Ariel’s ingredient list. She slightly giggled at Ariel but was definitely happy to hear some delicious ingredients. [color=FFB6C1]” T-To answer your allergy question, I am not allergic to peanuts. I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every once in a while.”[/color] She spoke towards Ariel, with a smile, and hopefully, it's good to help. While she finally realizes she kept her Dragon Sight up for all this time, it strained her eyes slightly, which made her blink three times. She is still holding Mr. Cuddleton and cuddling with it while walking with Ariel. This strain made her feel slightly like a headache and eye ache primarily because she isn’t used to the Biotech Upgrade yet. [color=FFB6C1]” O-Owwies, Should’ve blinked three times sooner… I dislike when I get these headaches and eye aches for overusing Dragon’s Sight.”[/color] She spoke with a slightly strained tone of her voice. It was mostly because of how young she had it installed and still has a bit to get over the strain of using it for too long. However, she wanted it installed to see like her godfather can since his dragon eyes looked so cool.