“The instructor offered to update my suite to put some kind of crosshair in my view. I turned it down, although i think i can see the use of it now…” Freyr replied, shooting and failing again to hit a speeding target. “Actually, Instructor, can you give me the crosshair please?” she called into the open air. Immediately after, she could feel something interfacing with her general purpose communications implant. A small red + appeared superimposed on her vision, and moved around as she waved her pistol. “You would benefit from a dedicated combat module. This crosshair is using resources from a multi-purpose civilian implant, which-” Freyr bade the Instructor be quiet, and aimed at the fast-moving targets. She found that with a little bit of practice, she could co-ordinate her hand and eye to track them much better. Freyr cheered out loud despite herself after stringing together three hits in a row. “Well done, Dr Lang!” 595 exclaimed. “Shall we introduce a new challenge? How about a 360 degree attack vector? Instructor, switch it up!” All the details of the shooting range disappeared, replaced by a pure black background that soaked up the light from above. A pulsing X marked the spot where the three of them should stand, backs to each other. Targets appeared all around them. “Don’t let the targets touch you, or you’re out!” 595 gushed, effortlessly disconnecting her used rifle battery and kicking it away in favour of a fresh one. Freyr gulped and tried to steady her hand as the targets began moving side to side at lightning speed. Something registered in the corner of her vision and she moved mainly on instinct and shot a target about a metre from her leg. 595’s assault rifle began firing at full pelt, filling the sim-box with crackling energy noise again. "They're going slightly fast!" Freyr shouted over the din, shooting another.