"Babe, you do whatever you want." The thief chuckled in his own language, smiling confidently. "I trust you to know more about what to say here than me, and even if someone takes it the wrong way, you know how sexy it is when we get into trouble." The town was made of various smaller go-betweens all connected via one longer road, all leading to the Temple of Ulric. A barbaric structure of cone-like pillars surrounding it, there was a multi-layered roof with a towering, sloping spire at the highest point in the center. A statue of Wulfric and his wolf companions was at the center foreground on the dirt road. What was more notable were the three red haired northmen on their warhorses, decked in ornate plate armor and wearing wolf pelts. Two of them had warhammers in their strong hands and the third hefted a stout, long handled battleaxe. They spoke to each other in a barking manner, speaking riekspeil but in a gruff inflection Amal found hard to follow. He didn't really care to listen, halting in the road as wool covered men and women went about their daily lives around them. A cart passed the riders, with goods Amal certainly was curious about. The only concern in the whole town were two men loitering on the porch of one of the buildings, wearing brigandines, pistols and crossbows holstered. Bounty Hunters, likely. Amal didn't have a bounty on him, but his foreign look certainly made them curious. Emmaline just might have a price, but from what she said in Delberz it wouldn't be widespread if it even existed in the first place. Amal decided to solve the problem now. He pointed at one of the bounty hunters, drawing his attention with a loud. "You! Yes, you herr person. Come here and speak to me!" The other bounty hunter muttered a joke to his companion who shoved off and approached. A woman skittered away in fear of the man's grizzled appearance. He seemed a bit put off by Amal's darker skin, but he didn't make any disparaging comments at least. "What can I help you with?" He asked. The way he spoke might almost sound helpful if the sarcasm wasn't dripping. "Do you have any work?" The bounty hunter went from hardset to confused in the matter of moments. "...W-Work?" "Yes, me and my companion here are bounty hunters looking for a good score." Amal made his face seem thoughtful, almost tired as if they had just come back from a harrowing ordeal. In a way they had. A knife was in the thief's hand so fast it seemed a trick of sorcery, causing the fellow to blink and take a step back in surprise. Amal spun the knife easily, as if handling it was an idle way to pass the time. "Heard any leads?" "Do you think if I had work I'd tell you?" He growled and turned around, clearly embarrassed at being afraid of the knife trick. "Piss off." "Hey, at least tell us the way to Marienburg!" Amal cried after him, but the hunter had already disappeared into the crowd. Even his companion was gone. Behind him Emmaline giggled, knowing Amal diffused what might have been a problematic situation later. The shadows grew longer, darkening Amal's clothing as he sighed. Turning to Emmaline, he shrugged. "Well, at least you appreciate my charm." [@Penny]