“Yes. And in a situation like this, you must always look out for your teammates. Or someone could come and stab them in the back!” 595 added, pivoting to shoot two incoming targets on the periphery of Freyr’s vision. Freyr would’ve responded to these words of encouragement, had she not been solely focused on hitting targets. She could only keep up with the fast pace of action for about thirty seconds before two simultaneous thrusts by the floating shapes made contact with her. A klaxon sounded and the targets abruptly stopped moving. “Oh, bad luck!” 595 patted Freyr on the shoulder, her rifle pointing up at the ceiling. “I’d say you have promise. Keep practicing and we’ll make a warrior of you yet. I can teach you all sorts of moves if you’re interested?” Freyr hadn’t been sure what to expect when she’d entered the shooting range. But she actually found it quite exhilarating. It kept her mind off what might be happening back home, while also sharpening a skill that could keep her alive in hostile environments. Freyr nodded. “I’d really appreciate some tips. Despite letting the team down I quite enjoyed that; thank you both.” 595 grinned, bouncing excitedly on the balls of her feet. “How exciting! I think this will be a real bonding experience for both of us. I’ve also been put in charge of keeping you safe at all times - that’s actually what I came to tell you before we started shooting. So we'll be seeing a lot more of each other.” Freyr hesitantly returned the agent’s smile. “Isn’t that what all these soldiers are here for?” She asked. “Well, yes. They’ll be protecting you too. But the Director-General wanted someone who has the relevant experience with Cradle-tech to be your last line of defence.” The pretty lady replied before spreading her piercing gaze between Freyr and Vreta. “Do you want to run another simulation? You can choose this time, big guy.”