[center][h1][b][color=green]Bakuto Uchiha[/color][/b][/h1] [hider=Appearance Image][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/82/2e/01/822e011209c27d9b1c785caec2d32d97.png[/img][/hider][/center] [hr] [indent] One week to prepare and get his affairs in order Bakuto Uchiha didnt try to spend that extra time to get to know his teammates. He hadn't even remotely tried to figure out who his teams lead jounin would be. He would just find out when he gets the chance in person to meet them. He was slightly puzzled by his first orders he had been given as a genin. The orders had been very vague, which Bakuto greatly disliked. Not knowing what was to happen the unknown was something he had never liked he didnt know how he should prepare for a mission when the details were never given to him. He had grabbed his standard shinobi tools and took three extra puppet arms that were identical to his right arm he had stuffed away the arms in a backpack and had it slung over his back before he had went out to the point where he was assigned to go. The Village Gates Once he got to the gates he didnt make any detours he went straight there. He wasnt sure what he was to await him there, but he did not want to start his first mission being late or the last one to arrive. Bakuto wanted the first mission to go alright, with how long it took for him to become a genin he didnt want to start off being late to the gates with his first mission not going less then perfect. At least to start with getting there on time. He arrived he didn't know if he was the first or last he just arrived and took his place to await for any instructions he was to be given once he arrived.[/indent] [hr] [center][color=lightblue][h1][b]Tenshi Hokori[/b][/h1][/color] [hider=Appearance][img]https://em.wattpad.com/6a4f246f6352b75637aea78d54a2ee3de5a81773/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f47316b4d6f794d396e4b374378413d3d2d3536322e3135656362356231666332663464353233353634333834333730382e6a7067[/img][/hider][/center] [hr] [indent] The first week within Konaha Tenshi didn't know what to think. He had his greetings with the hokage, and that was about that. He noted his meeting with the Hokage there was a few others keeping their eyes on him. Tenshi was given a place to stay and that's where he was most of the time during that first week. Tenshi had went to the ramen shop a few times, but not once since he arrived in the village did he go anywhere alone. Always he had an escort to make sure he went where he was going and someone to watch him when he was there. A few times over the week he found a few had kept watch over him that first week Especially when he left the room, there was always a He wasn't summoned by the Hokage at first Tenshi thought maybe he was a prisoner of sorts but he knew better. Their villages were enemies for the longest of times he was lucky he wasn't in a jail cell as a prisoner. Near the end of that first week period he had noticed a few things had been going on within the village that week. Things were moving quickly as messenger birds arrived and left. Seemed something was afoot then he was given a message that he was to go on a mission. This was the last day of his week within Konaha. Once he was given the orders to go to the gate he walked out the doors of his assigned living quarters. Tenshi says allowed as he assumed an escort would be there to escort him to the village gates, [color=lightblue]"Take me to the Hokage. This mission I have questions so take me there. Now!"[/color] He demanded something for the first time since arriving. he had questions. This mission needed of a kumo escort so Bakuto needed more information of what was this mission about and not just accept a job and do it without question. Without question an escort appeared then began to escort Tenshi out, after he requested to get his stuff for the trip. He did but he wasnt escorted to the Hokage he was lead to the village gates instead. The escort wasnt taking orders from a kumo shinobi, and instead followed their ordinal orders. They escorted him to where he was to go and that was the village gates to await his orders.[/indent]