On Vreta’s part, the agent’s role did not particularly bother him. Despite their history, there was some advantage to keeping her close. Vreta was reasonably certain the Humans had a saying regarding just that. In any case, he took a moment to review the stats on Freyr’s performance in the simulation once the round ended. She did well-enough, considering her relative experience. With some upgrades to her implants and just some regular practice, he felt she could become comfortable enough with a weapon to reasonably defend herself. Although, it would also depend on [i]how[/i] skilled she wanted to become. “If you are simply wanting to become comfortable enough with a weapon to be able to defend yourself in emergencies, I would say there is no problem using every tool at your disposal. Though, if you want to become [i]truly[/i] skilled in a fight, there is a more comprehensive form of training you could follow.” Vreta commented to Freyr. “For Rothian soldiers, we start our training without the assistance of our implants. We use just our own senses, our own reactions, our own bodies. We develop our skills from there, then add implants on top of it. That is quite a time-consuming process, though, so it is up to you whether you would find that sort of training worthwhile. Honestly, if there is one skill in particular from that training I would say is worthwhile for you to learn, it would be to keep a calm mental focus, even under stress. There are plenty of people who can aim well at the firing range, but panic when the targets are shooting back.” Vreta went ahead and started going through the selections for simulation scenarios once Agent 595 made the suggestion. Assuming Freyr wanted to run another one, he decided to pick something that would benefit from keeping a cool head. It was a scenario that involved shooting hostile targets, while avoiding shooting innocent targets. “As I mentioned in my message, I do have a few questions to ask you, Freyr. I have a primer on Rothia meant for tourists that I would like to edit to help your people adapt to our world, and I just wanted to run a few of my ideas by you. It is nothing time-sensitive nor difficult, though. We could run a few more rounds of this, if you like, then discuss it in a more relaxed environment. Perhaps one with less gunshots. We could visit that ‘beach room’ Masgard mentioned, if you like?”