She sank down a little on her chair, holding the wine glass close as she fidgeted with it. "Well. It's-- we were on the subject of what one can or can't do with magic. So it's largely really curiosity. And ever since the hallucinations, I have wondered about your ability, the way it works. Like the first time you used it, how vivid everything was, like I was there, experiencing it. It seems...intriguing." She frowned slightly. "The hallucinations, they almost feel as real as the memories, but don't last very long, like waking from a vivid dream. I haven't seen this in the visions, but-- there's something about your Touch that connects them. I've only ever had visions a couple of times: when my heart stopped, and one other time, my first time meeting the Seer." She took another sip. "And then of course, because I'm apparently a degenerate, my mind just eventually went to the gutter with my speculations."