Okay I have my character sheets up! I may make another character or two but for now this is what I've got. :) I realized a lot of my characters from the old rp were a bit one-dimensional since I made them to fill a certain role, so I sort of combined them so I have less characters but they're better. I'll list what all I need in terms of relationships: SunClan: Mosspoppy could use an apprentice if there's one open. She could also have a mate if anyone is interested. CaveClan: If anyone wants to have an easy built-in family, Mothwhisker needs older siblings and she has parents. So if anyone has a character between the ages of 27 moons and 100 moons (no I'm not kidding lol) feel free to claim your family xD Quailpaw needs a mentor!!!! MarshClan: Rowanstep could use an apprentice. Is there a medicine cat apprentice picked out for MarshClan? If not, Longtrek is in need of an apprentice as well! Feel free to post here or PM me if you wanna claim a role. :3