Jack turned to Jewel and simply nodded. "That won't be necessary anymore," he said. Lock snerked at Carver. "Well, a hollow body with working eyes [i]is[/i] about to become available." Jack gave him a glance. "No." Lock shrugged. "Just a suggestion." All three of the trio snickered as Jack and Jewel got Finklestein situated. Shock tossed the vial in her hand one more time as Jewel got Finklestein's brain back in. She gave him exactly two seconds after the lid shut to ensure reconnection, before she deliberately missed her next toss and let the vial fall and shatter on the floor to get the doctor's attention. "Huh. Must be my [i]emotions[/i] getting out of control," she said with a smirk. She locked her glare with the doctor's dark glasses as she reached into the cabinet and grabbed another one. She casually tossed it in her hand. "I [i]feel[/i] that they [i]might[/i] just get out of control [i]again[/i]."