Freyr seized gratefully on the legitimate excuse to bring training to a close. As much as she’d enjoyed the session, she’d already been at the range for close to two hours. Even on a weekend, a little string at the back of her mind was pulling Freyr back to her team and all the work that needed to be done. “Ah yeah, i totally forgot. I actually think I've been on the range enough for today, so let's run through your ideas. The beach sounds good, as i think it’s on the way back to the lab? Perhaps we can go again tomorrow…?” Freyr directed the last sentence at the black-clad agent still cradling a heavy assault rifle, but tailed off when she realised she still didn’t know her real name. 595 looked slightly crestfallen when it became clear Freyr was done, but perked up slightly on a promise of a rematch. “Alright, i’ll allow it. You kids have fun.” She gave Freyr a pointed look before resuming the target shooting simulation. Her rifle began firing at full tilt even before Vreta and Freyr had even filed out of the box. Glancing back to see her gracefully covering all vectors, Freyr could at least say she was pleased the agent was tasked with protecting her. She wouldn’t want to be enemies with her. They exchanged small talk on the short trip from the combat simulation area to ‘Beach Leisure B35’. Freyr couldn’t help but smile upon seeing what lay behind the blast doors. The first thing she noticed was the ceiling, which had for all intents and purposes had an exact replica of Outremer’s sun beaming down from it. The sky was hologrammed in too, with tiny fluffy clouds gathering in the corners of the room. Freyr instantly felt a sense of open space and could see the benefits of this kind of facility. The beach was equally delightful. An L shaped bank of sand with tropical trees and bushes gathered against the walls led down to a pool of azure water. Waves gently lapped onto the beach. The only human structures were the deckchairs arranged along the beach and a small lifeguards hut. As it was still not even lunchtime, there were only a few dozen sailors hanging out to enjoy the heat. Freyr couldn’t resist. She rushed to a deckchair and took off her shoes, socks and jumper. Leaving them by the chair, she rolled up her trouser legs and headed straight to the water’s edge. The water was warm and inviting. She turned back to Vreta. “It’s lovely! Are you comfortable with water?”