[@KillamriX88] "Kyah!" Christine suddenly lost her balance as Rurik's feet had "accidentally" tripped on hers. She would've hit the ground face first, if not for Rurik catching her mid-air. "Ah!" He caught her alright, but his hand had landed on her right breast, inadvertently giving it a squeeze as he tightened his grip. "Ahn!" Christine's lips let out a moan—all the while her dress rode up behind her as she was bending over, revealing her black lace panties to anyone looking at her direction. "T-thanks!" She quickly straightened herself, blushing in the process. She had no idea in the slightest on what her boyfriend had done through all that. Well, other than cupping her breast, that is. "R-really? I'm glad to hear that!" She gave him a smile at his compliment.