The moment had come, he nodded towards Leo and Arn and made a last gesture to them. He touched his heart and his forehead before reaching the hand out to them. A simple gesture, that some had said had once been part of an old religion. It mattered not. With a nod to them he turned around as the side door was opened by the co-pilot. “Good luck sir.” Was all he dared to mutter as he watched on, half operating on automatic pilot, how Tyrhallan simply moved towards the door. He grasped the sides before gazing down, assessing the winds for a second, before he leaped out. The roar of winds and the crackling of lightning was what filled the sky. As he tilted his rapidly falling body, he activated his armour, its stabilizers working hard to steady him in the air. From this height had a good overview of the battlefield. Before a movement caught his eye. He thought he had caught a glimpse of a large bird fly in, but in his ever rapid descent he had moved into a thick gathering of storm-clouds, blocking further inspection. He tried to peer down and locate his target and soon enough the thick wisps of clouds evaporated, revealing his prey. The lightning crackled dangerously around him, but Tyrhallan had little fear, he knew what the risks were and always had comforted himself with the thought that such a thing would have little chance of happening. As he watched Sarban and his men darted in on their flying beasts, he also had caught a glimpse of the barrage of hailstones, making him a little more wary. So there was a mage on the scene as well… He steadied his final seconds of the fall, increasing the power to boosters on his gear allowing himself to land without shattering his ankles and feet in the process. He had landed on the top of one of the higher towers, hearing the crossfire and with a quick glance over the railing to the main deck below, he saw the Vaimese soldiers and mages busying themselves with the distractions shouting orders to one another. Wasting no time he dashed towards the nearest doors. Throwing himself to the wall listening to any sounds. Unsheathing his sword before bursting in, he speared those that came down the hall, catching them by surprise. Soldier, Worker and Mage alike were fed to his blade. There was no remorse in Tyrhallan’s eyes now, nor any stopping him. No mercy nor quarter was given as he made his way through the narrow halls. Sprinting whilst trying to keep a level of stealth and surprise. The deeper into this pit of vipers he went, the more he came across and crawled unto his path. He couldn’t afford to be located yet and so the more quick he had to finish them off. The poor bastards would barely be offered a thought, before his blade decided their fates. Dread, Panic and utter Fear was what flashed in their eyes as far Tyrhallan could tell as he took their lives from them. When he had finally reached the wheelhouse, he took a moment to catch his breath. Leaning against the wall he felt the ship shudder as no doubt they had started firing upon their own. He was panting heavily now, his eyes burning with a terrifying fire as the blood of his enemy clung to him. No longer was he the fair knight, in fact looking upon him now would chill people to the core. He looked demonic, bathed in blood, he had gotten a few scratches maybe, but nothing too serious. He had had a few lucky moments too, evading the shot of one of the pulse guns, but just barely, the poor boy couldn’t say the same. He had watched the body drop to the floor whilst the haunted expression gasping for breath and possibly mercy died smothered by his own blood. Tyrhallan shook his head, forcing the image away. As he found his breath he gazed through the porthole in the door, hearing the commotion downstairs he knew it wouldn’t take them too long before they would stumble upon his handiwork. He needed to do this quickly…. Eilis had wanted to scream, but wasn’t given any time, kinetic beams and crossfires unleashed their barrage causing chaos and a literal hell in the sky. As their barge was hit as well she watched in horror as one of the more powerful beams slice right through the main cabin, causing it to explode. Only just seconds ago that had been where the Smuggler and his crew steered the ship from. Eilis let out an involuntary squeak, trying to remain calm, but watched in horror as the barge now started to drift even closer towards the frigates. Without a way to steer it, they were as good as dead. Wasting not a second more she shouted down the hatch at the other refugees. “Out on deck, help me!” She pleaded. Fearful pairs of eyes stared up at her, shaking their heads as some started to cry in desperation. “We’re all going to die if we don’t do something…” She watched them huddle together even closer as the shadow of the frigate now was deepening. “Fuck this.” Eilis groaned angrily before she turned around and closed her eyes. “Don’t be afraid…you CAN do this…. You’ve done it before. You’re not gonna die.” She told herself as she spread her fingers as she held them outward in front of her. In a pained innervoice she commanded her mind over and over and over again, like a mantra. [i]“Halt.”[/i] Her bindings immediately came into action, the lines on her skin lit up, cracking and tightening, causing Eilis to bite back the scream. Her magic worked, it stopped their vessel from being sucked in further, but she would not be able to keep this up…Trying to control the ship she slowly turned it away, but she felt and tasted the metallic bitterness of blood. Her legs and arms were shaking and she wasn’t even sure she would survive this, but she had come too far to just give up now, not with the border in sight.