[quote=@samakama] So demons are obligate man-eaters? I don’t suppose they could survive off other demons or animals or something. Okay, let me make amendments. He may have been more conceptual at birth, but has since become a regular devil. He is now so closely linked to his human body that he cannot leave it without some kind of exorcism. If the body dies by natural means, he will remain, trapped in the corpse until some supernatural force like a demon or a devil hunter kills him, or he starves to death. And if he were ejected from the body, he would be something like a ghost, with a defined spiritual form open to attack. As for the barriers. Each barrier is anchored to a reference location, either himself or a massive body like the Earth. If a particle hits a barrier that it cannot pass through, it will reflect off elastically. His barriers offer zero protection against spiritual or magical attacks, and hold up poorly in the face of such supernatural things. A blessed pebble would pass through and destroy a barrier without shifting in trajectory, but an artillery shell would just ricochet. In other words, someone shanking him from behind with the right knife is more of a threat than launching him into the Sun. Using the barriers offensively is possible by placing one in front of someone moving too fast to brake. But a barrier will be stopped upon contact with a stationary solid because of the lack of motion in the solid, so it cannot be used like a sword. As for non-combat uses, he can split molecules and atoms apart, and assemble complex structures atom-by-atom over a very long span of time using elements in the environment. The upper limit in size is around that of a domed stadium for a single contiguous barrier, which is very taxing to maintain for more than a minute. He can also make numerous minuscule barriers, even at sizes not visible to the human eye, but the smaller and more intricate the barriers are, the harder it is to maintain. Barriers the size of human cells would only be able to cover a small door at most. Also, he can only create barriers within his field of vision or around his body, though he can maintain them without looking. I will tone things down if need be. [/quote] I think this could have been worded in a less confusing, or at lease more graceful, way. I feel like he's alright (especially when compared with others in the RP) but his but the description of his capabilities don't sound clean enough I guess. As for sustenance, it's as [@ERode] said. You can live off of other demons, it's just a comparatively worse source of food.