[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201116/cbf5ac65b366f92578fe6fdf04faf085.png[/img] [hr] [hider=Part 7 Spoilers] The premise is one where Funny Valentine was the victor in the story and had claimed the holy corpse for the United States of America. The result of this was that the US took 'the napkin' and became the undisputed global power that Valentine envisioned for many years. He had also abolished term limits where he had ruled the country for 28 years before retiring a well loved hero of the American people. His funeral was held 4 years later back in his home town. His successors only served for following terms of 4 to 8 years, either because they were unnoticeable or just down right bad. However, no amount of failure on the side of the American leadership had ever resulted in it losing its grip on the world stage. That was until today. Against any rational explanation, America has slowly begun to lose its grip on 'the napkin' and other powers have started to find success against them. This is not to say that the state of the world had not become content with the American rule, but some desperate factions who were struggling uselessly to resist are suddenly finding success. But the player characters think little of this. Despite being raised for their entire lives under this system, the fact that it is suddenly under threat does not phase them. This is because there are bigger things on their minds. Each of them have started to develop mysterious unknown powers, and despite where their origins are in the world they feel a sudden compulsion. They are all drawn to a specific location, Pennsylvania. [/hider] (TBD a more detailed summary of the events from Steel Ball Run onward, any questions about setting can be answered before then) Disclaimer: Despite the topic and setting of the RP, this RP will not feature any opinions, figures, or other topics in reference to American politics. I, as a non-American, have very little to zero interest in the topic and it will simply not feature in the RP in any way. [hider=Character Template] [Faceclaim] [b]Name[/b] [b]Age[/b] [b]Gender[/b] [b]Place of Origin[/b] [b]Appearance[/b] [b]Backstory[/b] (Don't feel restricted when you think of an origin it could be as mundane as mailman or as extreme as resistance fighter. The effect is seemingly random and could have affected anyone. Another rule is you can't be from the Joestar family unfortunately, Johnny was the last of the bloodline in this universe.) [hider=『Stand Power』] [b]Name[/b] 『』 [b]Effect and Use[/b] [b]Stats[/b] Power: Speed: Range: Durability: Precision: Development Potential: [/hider] [/hider] The template is somewhat bare bones, feel free to add categories as you see fit. [/center]