Well, hello there. I'm just throwing in a post here, just a week after the one year anniversary of the RP, to let anyone interested know that the RP is still recruiting, and that we (the players and I) would love more players to invigorate the story. For ease of entry, here is a quick summary of what has happened so far: [HIDER=Summary]A group of Hunters who had been afflicted with either Paleblood or false Paleblood woke up in the back room of a clinic, surrounded by cots filled with mostly sleeping people, though several of these appeared to have died during metamorphosis. They found the only door, and thus their only obvious way out of the room, to be locked, and ended up arming themselves while noises started emerging from beyond the door. Someone outside broke down the door, with a stated intention to capture the Hunters alive, and they found themselves fighting [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bloodborne/images/e/eb/Bloodborne%E2%84%A2_20150514004244_-_1.png/revision/latest?cb=20151013075540]a large huntsman[/url], while someone wielding a bell seemed to summon a [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bloodborne/images/6/63/Mad_One_concept_art.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180728134643]Mad One[/url] that seemed to regenerate whenever the bell was rung. [HIDER=(False) Paleblood]Paleblood in the RP is a genetically occurring disease that basically make Hunters as they were in the game: capable of traveling between worlds, anchored to the Hunter's Dream, able to see Messengers and able to reawaken after death. False Paleblood is an attempt to artificially induce these conditions, allowing for the predictable and continuous production of immortal Hunters. A word about notation: I use [I]Paleblood[/I] about naturally occurring, "true" Paleblood. [I]False Paleblood[/I] is the artificial imitation of the former. [I](False) Paleblood[/I] is a shorthand way of referring to both of these collectively.[/HIDER] Meanwhile two regular Hunters and a Blood Saint were on their way to the clinic for the saint to "bestow her blessing" upon the newly transformed Hunters, namely by gifting them her extremely addictive blood. They were ambushed by a Mad One on the way, but managed to pull through with one Hunter taking significant wounds and the saint cowering in fear, but all three ultimately persevered. All seemed well until just before they reached the clinic, where one of the Hunter escorts to the saint was snatched up by something invisible and seemingly just disappeared. Pushing on, the remaining escort entered the clinic to find the main room ransacked and occupied by several huntsmen and a single Pthumerian, the latter of which wielded a bell. The bell appeared to embolden and empower the huntsmen when rung, but the Hunter - following the saint's advice - managed to push past the huntsmen and target the Pthumerian. He successfully slaughtered his prey, but was grievously wounded in the process. The second the bell-wielding Pthumerian was slain the Mad One with the (false) Paleblood Hunters vanished, and the large huntsman was abruptly greatly weakened and summarily killed. These new Hunters made their way out of the room, finding that the surviving huntsmen outside had lost their will to fight with the death of the Pthumerian and fled. In the room they also found a skeletal arm holding a lantern, surrounded by masses of Messengers, a frightened woman, and a Hunter on the verge of death. Managing to find a blood vial on the Hunter's person, the fresh ones were able to revive him. While all this was happening, a group of civilians were being escorted by a Hunter to a nearby shelter to endure the rapidly encroaching Night of the Hunt. On their way they were attacked by a second Hunter, however, and their escort engaged this enemy after instructing the civilians to keep running. The hostile Hunter killed their escort, but the civilians got away, only for them to eventually encounter the freshly routed huntsmen from the clinic. Most of the civilians opted to hide in a dwelling with these huntsmen, but one of them - a huntsman himself - decided to investigate where these other huntsmen had come from, and entered the clinic. There, a plan was quickly formulated: the Blood Saint was to be escorted to a nearby shelter, and the civilians were free to tag along if they so desired. Then the saint's escort was going to return to the Cathedral Ward to restock his supply of blood vials from the Healing Church, and he recommended the new Hunters to follow and possibly obtain some better equipment. As they talked, however, one of the Paleblood Hunters grew curious about the mysterious lantern in the middle of the room and managed to light it, prompting another to call out in warning. This, in turn, lead to the saint's escort realizing that all three of these fresh Hunters were seeing this lantern - one which he could not see himself - and lead to him inquiring as to whether they had been seeing "little men."[/HIDER] Obviously the story is only just getting started, even a full year after the start of the RP. I have prepared lots of things for the characters to explore and discover, decisions to be made and dangers to (hopefully) overcome. Introducing new characters - especially (false) Paleblood Hunters - would still be relatively easy and natural, though it may not stay that way for much longer, once the characters leave the clinic where people have been transforming.