Vreta tilted his head curiously. Her words had started him thinking about potential precautions they might need to take to protect from any potential dangers they might find, but her last question caught him off-guard and derailed his thoughts. “Our evolution? We have a reasonably complete fossil record. I would not say there is anything exceptional about it, at least to our knowledge. Though, I’m no paleontologist. If my memory from the last time I went through a university serves me well, I think modern Rothians evolved relatively quickly after life became established on our planet, compared to most other intelligent species out there. That is to say, our planet has been through less cycles of extinction before our people arose, compared to your world.” He answered. Seeing as Freyr did not seem willing to go any farther out into the pool, Vreta sat himself down in the water alongside her. “Why do you ask? Is my answer helpful, or is there something more specific you want to know?”