Vreta had quick access to all of his own records, so it was a simple matter for him to forward his genetic records to the lab on their way through the ship’s halls. They outlined the changes made to his genetic code and included the original sequences, so it would be trivial for them to simply substitute in the originals for the observed sequences. Though it felt primitive to him, the Human process for sequencing his DNA was at least not [i]too[/i] slow, from his understanding. They would have their results soon enough to follow through with Freyr’s train of thought. Though, her explanation did give him pause as he tried to work out where she was going with this line of inquiry. When he approached the console with her, it was with a questioning expression on his face. “That is an interesting question, though…I am not sure how my genetic code will help. I could imagine this being a combination of both scenarios. It may have gained information from me in order to identify me, but there is nothing on my person or in my genetic code that would give it the location of my people’s homeworld. Unless…there was two-way communication with some object on Rothia? Is that what you are getting at? That perhaps the Cradle observed me, and an object on Rothia identified what I was?”