"You should be, unless you're up to date on your vaccinations." Did needles even work as a threat on a kid that was a bit older? Time to find out. "But no, the house isn't going anywhere, but our folks exploring it are, and it's best if we can provide some kind of support. Leaning against the open door, she made sure to breathe her smoke out and away from Abigail; she had ruined her lungs a long time ago, no need for the girl's to be ruined by her as well. Hm... Maybe she'd need to switch to an e-cig if she was going to be around the kid so much. Or she could not care, but that rubbed her the wrong way. "You found some zip ties? They're probably going to be as fragile as-" The acrid stench of burning plastic, even in such small quantities, made the woman's eyes water. "Jesus!" She moved forward quickly, grabbing Abigail's wrist to look at her palm. "You need to be careful with your powers. What if that had happened around people who arent magic?" She examined the area that had been in contact with the burning plastic, sighing. "You'll need to go see Angeline again if you want that fixed up, I don't habitually carry anti-burn cream around with me." Then, in Turkish, [i]"stupid girl."[/i] "Let's go to the house. They might have found something out."