Acrius nodded at Elizabeth's words. It seemed that his ploy would work out. He almost left when she muttered; "[b][color=f49ac2]But first.[/color][/b]" The boy turned around in anticipation of her saying one last thing before they were enclosed in a kiss. Acrius himself had no idea what in the world was happening and stood there stupidly. With an arched brow, he thought back to the past; he had seen men and women do this exact same action in public. Mostly Lancelot with different women every time Acrius went to visit him. As such, in his mind he surmised the kiss to be some sort of specific and odd pleasantry exchanged in the Empire. Otherwise he'd have no idea as to why she'd done so. A mental note was made in his head; ask Balthazar about the pleasantry. [color=#FF9900][b]"Err- goodbye."[/b][/color] Acrius said as he wiped his lips on his sleeves. However he counted his lucky stars; Aside from that whole exchange, he was finally alone. However the night grew darker and it was best to get some rest. The amount of stress he accumulated over the stress-release was imbalanced. It's best to call it a night and end the day. Acrius made his way back to the keep. A few soldiers and even citizens were out and about; mostly drunk and eager to make their way back to their beds. He tried to keep his mind off what in the hell happened that night. The gatekeeper was wary of him but reluctantly let him into the keep after Acrius showed him the (admittedly dirtied up) Royal Guard emblem. The boy would soon realize he had no idea where he'd be allowed to sleep; he flagged down one of the serving girls. She too seemed to think him a low-ranking soldier and treated him somewhat crudely. It was no skin off his nose, however, as he came from a rather poor background (ex-sellsword and gladiator) and was used to similar treatment. He wasn't really one for formality or rankings- atleast in terms of needing to 'respect' those above you because of (what he thinks are) arbitrary rankings. Being born into nobility and being born as a commoner was a simple coin-flip. As Acrius was being led to the soldier's barracks he remembered he had actually left his armour and weaponry in one of the private rooms- his room, probably. He asked the serving girl where the private rooms were but she scoffed before he showed her the emblem aswell. Her demeanor changed rather abruptly and she curtly apologized before leading him to the private rooms. With a weary sigh he sunk into his bedding and ruminated on the day. He considered the day more stressful than fun. Was it just karmic fate, but what had he done wrong? Pushing those thoughts away, he thought of battle tactics and strategy. With these thoughts he slowly drifted off to sleep.