[hider=Kimmy][color=silver][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/464GXAg.gif[/img][/center][color=18D63B][sub]𝐓 𝐇 𝐄 𝐁 𝐀 𝐒 𝐈 𝐂 𝐒[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=18D63B][b][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201118/c9159669ace670e95e333c17057f836c.png[/img][/b] [/color] [indent]Kimberly Tran [indent]Kimmy; K.T.[/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=18D63B][b]Age[/b] [/color] [indent]28[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=18D63B][b]Gender[/b] [/color] [/indent] [indent]Female[/indent] [indent][color=18D63B][b]Sexuality[/b] [/color] [indent]Equal Opportunity Employer[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=18D63B][b]Occupation[/b] [/color] [indent]Unemployed[/indent][/indent] [color=18D63B][sub]𝐖 𝐇 𝐀 𝐓 𝐘 𝐎 𝐔 𝐒 𝐄 𝐄[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=18D63B][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [INDENT]If ever there was a picture book example of what unemployment looked like, Kimmy would likely find her picture there and promptly wonder when she took it because chances are she looks hella tight. Rather than spend triple digits on clothes that she wears one time and then it goes out of season or whatever, Kimmy will raid a Goodwill or the cheap rack at a department store for things that are about two sizes too big for her already slender frame. Baggy pants, baggier shirts, and sneakers that are three steps away from being nothing more than rubber held together by string and a prayer - assuming she doesn't just forego sneakers and rock some flippies - never with socks, though. That's a faux pas even she's aware of. Kimmy stands at a fairly above average height of five foot ten but she has a habit of slouching a bit when she walks so at times she can come off as shorter than she truly is. Because of her unique sense of style, which is to say 'lazy chic', she doesn't really show off her figure other than her ankles up to her calves on a good day. The way she sees it, if someone likes what they see when she's in the sunlight, they'll probably not care what she looks like in the darkness. The only thing that seems properly cared for in terms of her style and appearance is her hair, though it's likely because, as she puts it, "If I don't comb and brush and shit, my gran will pop out of the grave and tear me a new asshole. Probably with the handle of the brush, man." She doesn't even sound like she's joking. [/INDENT] [color=18D63B][b]Personality[/b][/color] [INDENT]Is it possible to be the life of the party at a party you weren't invited to? In Kimmy's case, the answer is a resounding 'not really' but that hasn't stopped her from going through life as if she's the second coming of Jeff Lebowski. She hasn't even seen that movie, but her former best friend told her that right before deleting Kimmy from social media which was a total bitch move to do. Being unemployed has its perks, namely that she can wake up after noon and not have to worry about going to bed after the evening news like some kind of old fogey but at the same time she does get weird looks from her best friend Marco who runs the convenience store where she stocks up every other day. She considers Marco her best friend because he's the only one who talks to her on a regular basis that isn't her mother calling up and asking if her life is in order yet (which is a mom way of asking if, like, she found a job or a man or both). Kimmy's preferred manner of 'stocking up' consists of buying Corn Nuts and Andy Capp's fries along with either a six or a twelve pack and, in the warmer months, a big-ass slushie. It wouldn't be wrong to call Kimmy 'aimless' but she's never really felt like her life is in need of changing. She might not have a stable job or a meaningful relationship, but she has her own place and an old car that she's gonna fix up any year now and she knows how to use a washing machine so instead of wearing the same thing for a week, now she can wash it every four days or whatever. As far as adults go, she's above functional but a few rungs below successful by the typical metrics, but hey who's counting. What makes Kimmy, well, Kimmy is her entire vibe of not giving a single fuck about whatever anyone thinks about her. She can laugh at herself and at the comments others throw at her like it's rain down the back. While not lazy, exactly, she doesn't really seem to have much in the way of motivation but it's not like she's stupid or dumb or anything. She's quite charismatic and moreover she has a type of intellect that has allowed her to live how she wants in a reasonably comfortable manner. What's her secret? Maybe it's Maybelline, dude. [/INDENT][/indent] [color=18D63B][sub]𝐈 𝐍 𝐌 𝐘 𝐏 𝐀 𝐒 𝐓[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=18D63B][b]Biography[/b] [/color] [INDENT] Kimmy likes to tell people that she's an only child and also an orphan but sometimes she'll say that she's actually an alien from another universe from the planet Krypton and it's usually at that point people sigh and walk away. While she isn't secretly an alien nor did her parents got shot in a dark alley or anything, she isn't an only child nor is she an orphan, but her family might prefer it if she was. Her mother was a helicopter type of mom while her dad worked himself into a divorce. Well, he worked himself into shitty hotels with his secretary and neither he nor Kimmy's mom officially filed for divorce he currently enjoys the company of younger women he employs in what is not at all weird and gross. Kimmy's older brother is a big city corporate lawyer which Kimmy once made fun of by figuring that being a doctor was too cliche for him. The closest family member Kimmy had was her gran but for as much of a firecracker as she was, she couldn't escape the march of time. Kimmy, like every person out there, had dreams once upon a time. She was gonna be an actress, she was gonna be a star; she was gonna shake her ass on the hood of White Snake's car. THose are, of course, lyrics to a song but it's a sentiment that Kimmy can identify with. Once upon a time she wanted to be an artist. Not like a gallery type but like a comic book artist or an animator or something but she submitted a portfolio to art school after graduating high school, got rejected, and figured the art world could suck a nut. She found herself forced to working crappy part time jobs because otherwise her mom was gonna, like, kick her out. Of course, she got kicked out anyway after getting fired from the fifth job for showing up late. How, then, did Kimmy not only afford her own place but also the fees for the VIP treatment? "I'm like Han Solo, dude, how did he get the Millennium Falcon? Does it matter?" Little did she know, the method to her money wasn't at all dissimilar to the dismissive point she was making at the time. Put plainly, Kimmy's a gambler, a hell of a card player, and has amassed a comfortable amount of money doing so. She even made it to the WSOP one time and wore comically large sunglasses and a hat. No one but her thought it was funny. Why is she on the cruise? They have tropical drinks with bendy straws in huge glasses and no one will say anything if she walks around barefoot. And there's probably some prime cuts of man meat, flank steak, and chicken breasts to be had. And because fuck it, what else does she have to do with her time?[/INDENT] [/indent] [color=18D63B][sub]𝐌 𝐈 𝐒 𝐂 𝐄 𝐋 𝐋 𝐀 𝐍 𝐄 𝐎 𝐔 𝐒[/sub][/color][hr][indent] [color=18D63B][b]Other[/b][/color] [INDENT]FC: Awkwafina // [color=18D63B]It's this one, yo. 18D63B[/color] [list][*]Is always, always, holding a drink with a bendy straw[/list][/INDENT][/indent][/color][/hider]