The King listens intently to the description of the harpy, his face drawn and grim. "From the description, it seems you're talking about the one known as Jubjub Bird, one of Draygon's Lieutenants," he says solemnly. "I have heard of her exploits, and she was a cruel being who reveled in the suffering of others. While I hold no love for her or her ilk, and her loss is no sorrow to the world, I fear that Draygon's interest may be drawn to the loss of one of his chosen. Be careful in the world, Stephanie. It is not only a less advanced one than your own, but dark forces stir in it, more's the pity." Stephanie's explanation of Sarah's origin is clearly interesting him, though her technical talk leaves him confused. "To hear this," he muses, "it's as if we talk about the powers of the gods themselves. To create humans from nothing, it seems so... fantastic. Then again, these are strange times, I suppose, and there are stranger things about. "Though about your mother, forgive me, but I do not think I know her name," the King continues. "And if her tome was important, it would be kept in safe-keeping. Normally, such important tomes - especially those of the Ancients - would be Master Tornel's responsibility, but I'll check to see if we have it." Sarah's response to being a person created from scratch is... conflicted. On the one hand, it does give her some idea of where she's truly from, and would explain her absent memories. On the other, it means that unlike Steph, she has no roots, no past, no identity. She might be an Oracle, but even the lowliest peasant in this world has a claim to something she would never have; family and a past. She just turns her attention to Pip even as she's deep in thought. [hider=OOC]Basically a quick response to Stephanie, feel free to put in a timeskip here.[/hider]