After his sudden departure form the Lions Silas needed something to get him away and out of sight. Signing up to defend a small town in the middle of nowhere sounded like just the ticket. But as he got off the transport things looked in worse shape than he had thought. It looked like the town had already been hit before, outer defenses compromised and even some of the inner walls as well. He quickly made some rounds taking notes before returning to Widow. "[color=f26522][b]Took a quick look around Ma'am outer defenses are shot. With that hole in the wall there isn't anything to keep them at bay.[/b][/color]" He said reporting quickly. "[color=f26522][b]Then on the interior there isn't much cover either so this might be an open firefight.... Unless....[/b][/color]" He continued before going into a bit of thought. "[color=f26522][b]What if we placed our units in the hanger, that northern building with the hole and the ramparts and hid until the enemy came into the main courtyard. Once they were in the center we hit them from all sides. we would have walls to use as cover and they wouldn't have anywhere to run.[/b][/color]" He quickly said after thinking out the plan. "[color=f26522][b]Could work don't you think?[/b][/color]" He asked in a questioning way, seeming to second guess his own plan.