Misaki furrowed her brows as she continued half-listening to Enli's conversation with the other two; given that the "God of Knowledge" in question seemed so important with regards to why this settlement was as it was now, it seemed prudent to at least be aware of what he was saying, given that it was essentially a brief overview of their problems. Of course, going around killing deity-adjacent entities was nowhere on her list of things to do (and hopefully not on those of her two companions), which meant that finding a less bloodthirsty solution would be... More than ideal. Of course, the commonality of that crest within the records and those who they had met was worth at least asking about... Well, after she had prodded the acting chief with more questions. "Hm... I don't suppose that negotiations are out of the question?" Misaki asked, raising her hand to catch Enli's attention before pointing to the section regarding some manner of pact. "Putting aside how conspicuously this section is missing, it might be worth at least trying to reach out to this Kyrinth. I apologize for being blunt, but as far as I can tell, the village might continue to slowly 'bleed out' if nothing is done anyways, metaphorically speaking." Though leaving the diplomacy of the situation to Nobunaga might have been more prudent, it seemed more organic to try and force them to at least consider moving towards some form of action. The foxgirl had dealt with indecisive bureaucracy enough to be at least willing to try and be proactive, especially in this sort of situation. [@VitaVitaAR][@Crimson Paladin][@Rune_Alchemist]