[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KEcpz0IE3M&ab_channel=wd0[/youtube][/center] [@deia876lat] "Yikes!" Nena yelped as a laser beam ripped through one of the refugee ships nearby, cutting it almost in half as it blew apart the cabin. Evidently it did not take long at all for reinforcements to appear as the laser had been aimed at a passing mounted knight, swooping in seemingly out of nowhere. The knight was not alone as five others followed after, attacking the enemy frigates head on with guns, grenades and ranged ki attacks. Now that the battle was underway however, the refugees were being caught in the crossfire as the guns of the Empire roared to life and Nena was beginning to doubt whether she'd emerge unscathed as well. "You boys are being too damn wild!" she shouted into the wind after the charging knights before spotting a figure in the corner of her eye, standing on the deck of the destroyed refugee ship as it drifted towards the frigate that shot it down. [i]A mage,[/i] Nena realized as the figure held out both hands and moved the vessel ever so slightly to the side in an attempt to avoid the impending collision. [i]That's not going to be enough.[/i] "C'mon Petra, we need to help," Nena said as she urgently tapped the beast's neck and pointed towards the distant figure. Petra made a sharp cry in response and swooped towards the falling airship at full speed, darting forward like a great feathered missile as Nena clung on for dear life. Within a few heartbeats they closed the distance and Petra spread her wings out wide at the last possible moment, braking into a stop midflight and hovering in place above the vessel with rhythmic wingbeats. "Come on!" Nena shouted as she stretched out a hand towards the figure on the deck, a girl with glowing tattoos and a pained expression on her face as her limbs trembled with the effort of maintaining her magic. The bow of the Vaimese frigate was now almost directly on top of them. [hr] [@Omni5876] As soon as the Silver Spider landed on the deck of the frigate, he immediately met stiff resistance as every nearby soldier opened fire upon him with assault rifles and submachine guns. In a blur of movement, he cut through the nearest with a horizontal air slash then deflected every bullet he could not evade, or at least almost every bullet. A few had managed to slip through his guard only to bounce off his armour, but a single round managed to find its way to the side of his head and cut a graze across it. The stinging pain caused Leo to smile maniacally as he continued deflecting gunfire, exulting in the moment while calling out to the Vaimese soldiers, "You fellas have got some fire in you, huh?" Then abruptly dashing forward, the Spider was upon them as he sliced through bullets and bodies alike, leaving a trail of blood wherever he went. More soldiers appeared from below decks and Leo was about to cut them down too until an explosion sounded from the rear of the ship, grabbing everyone's attention. [i]Oh right, the objective,[/i] Leo thought as he remembered that he was not where he was supposed to be. Looking towards the front of the ship he spotted Tyrhallan for just a moment, moving stealthily towards the helm of the frigate before disappearing around the other side of a tower. [i]Seems like he's got that one in the bag, which leaves...[/i] Arn. If there was one thing Leo knew about mages, it was that they were vulnerable in a battle of attrition and no matter how skilled they were, Arn would be no exception. Moreover, Leo already knew the Crimson Rider was more than capable enough of taking care of himself, so with that in mind he sprinted away from enemy reinforcements and moved to assist the battlemage, half expecting to find him dead already. What he didn't see however was an armoured figure behind him leaping through the sky in Tyrhallan's direction with battle axe in hand. [hr] While Tyrhallan was looking through the door of the wheelhouse, lightning flashed behind him as an armoured figure descended from above, bringing an obscenely large battleaxe crashing down [i]through[/i] the plating of the deck and striking with the force of a meteor. Where Tyrhallan stood before was now only a hole as the entire section caved in from the impact, collapsing into a pile of twisted metal in the corridor below. With a stately grace of motion the armoured figure, clad in full plate with a sword at the hip, set their battleaxe aside, sticking it like a flagpole into the deck of the frigate before removing an ornately carved helmet, revealing brown hair, grey eyes and a woman's face. [center][hider][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/3df498a2-83e5-4aeb-8e15-5aae943582cf/darlmzv-d82b6da5-e227-4349-a3fb-0419d69ea8eb.jpg/v1/fill/w_900,h_1200,q_75,strp/knight_by_castaguer93_darlmzv-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xMjAwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvM2RmNDk4YTItODNlNS00YWViLThlMTUtNWFhZTk0MzU4MmNmXC9kYXJsbXp2LWQ4MmI2ZGE1LWUyMjctNDM0OS1hM2ZiLTA0MTlkNjllYThlYi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.HG-HscFdxwKH1V2X1n5_7As6vDPsveTMTdO-u9n6l6Q[/img][/hider][/center] "My name is Lucina Aurelia, captain of the Raiders Squadron," she said, addressing Tyrhallan while standing at the edge of the hole. "And you are either very brave or very stupid to challenge us directly. Who are you to dare the might of Vaim?" [center][b]You have met a challenging foe. All actions towards Lucina Aurelia must be open ended.[/b][/center]