[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201117/ce4f6bbd1a79f7a3ac9cff67f53b2254.png[/img] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/9ef56d1ba5ebb0fbb2942dc39702c8fc/tumblr_pxercsxCeG1r7jvayo2_250.gifv[/img] [hr][hr] [i][color=FF8B00]“No puedo contenerlo más Un beso y has abierto la puerta Mis ojos están claros y mi corazón no está hueco Adonde lleva tu amor mi pobre alma seguirá. Después de la mujer oscura, Te veo en esa luz de whisky seco a medio encender. Mírame, baila para mí Arrastra mi alma contigo de vuelta a la oscura noche oscura”[/color][/i] Enrique mumbled the words to his latest masterpiece as he plucked at his guitar strings. [i]After Dark Woman[/i] was going to be the one to propel him into the Latin Rock stratosphere, just like [i]“Sunkissed Shore”[/i] last month or [i]“Amor no me defraudes”[/i] the month before that. He was in no great rush to be famous but to be appreciated for the talent that he was; now that was the challenge. Somewhat prototypically, Rico’s bedroom was like any other teenage boy. Clothes were strung across the floor, the shades on the windows were basically sealed shut leaving the room in almost complete darkness except for a small crack of sunlight and the illuminated screen of his cell phone. Every wall was plastered with vinyl records and old posters and the bin was overflowing with takeaway cups from the Yellow Rose. Sitting beside him were doggy bags from his family's restaurant La Munica; Rico had opted for a few leftover spicy Mahi Mahi tacos as his evening meal the night before; the boy did love his heat, it was a wonder he had any functioning tastebuds left. “Hijo, ponte unos pantalones, vas a llegar tarde a la escuela” a female voice called through the door. Enrique’s mother [url=https://www.biography.com/.image/t_share/MTE5NDg0MDU1MjQ4Mjc0OTU5/salma-hayek-14514423-1-402.jpg]Monica[/url] was a stunning beauty; even now in her mid fifties many of Rosefell’s young bachelors would fawn over the restaurateur. Rico didn’t mind his friends drooling over his Mom, it was quite flattering actually and both her and his father still looking good boded well for his future maturation into adulthood. He glanced down at his phone and noted the time; she wasn’t wrong, he was behind already and it was only the first day! He jumped to his feet and began throwing clothes around the room to try and find anything that could remotely pass for clean. After what felt like an eternity of searching; Enrique pulled on a pair of jeans, a vintage Fleetwood Mac T-shirt and a denim shirt with his classic black and white converse finishing the ensemble. He sprayed himself down with deodorant and locked his precious guitar in its case before hurrying out of the door with it under his arm. La Munica was [url=https://www.wonderwall.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/08/antonio-banderas-cannes-film-fest-1995-getty.jpg]Pedro Nunez’[/url] baby; he had graduated from a small seaside stall in Cancun to a semi upscale restaurant in Columbus, Ohio. It wasn’t the fanciest place in the world but his was homely and the food was cooked beautifully with love and passion; two traits that all the Nunez familia share in abundance. As he prepped his latest dish, Pedro glanced up towards his wife as she made her way towards the laundry room; in that brief whisper of a moment he considered himself the luckiest man alive...then he heard the slamming around of his only son as he stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen of the restaurant, hitting the hanging pots and pans with his guitar case. “Nosotros deberíamos haberte adoptado”. Enrique stopped short of his fathers position by the oven and stole a slice of toast to eat on the way. It was too late for him to stop at the diner and grab his usual morning coffee so unbuttered plain toast that was undoubtedly meant for his darling mother would have to do. [color=FF8B00]”Siempre eres tan amable conmigo, papá. te quiero. Por cierto, el Chilli Mahi Mahi fue una bomba. ¡Te veo esta noche!”[/color] Suave waved like a schoolgirl, toast hanging from his mouth before grabbing his skateboard from the side where his mother had told him not to leave it for a thousand times and jumped out of the back door. With the guitar strapped to his back, Rico kicked off from the sidewalk and set off down the hill towards Rosefell High. Riding a board with a guitar case and guitar on your back as well as your school things was not an easy feat but the Latin lover boy had it down to a science and it was why he maintained such a strong upper body. One would be surprised to find he was not an athlete of any kind. He was extremely curious to see what new adventures and mysteries this new year would hold for him. Rico had no doubt that Rae was already hiding in a bush somewhere trying to figure out whether the new Liberty transfers were all pod people or soul sucking demons who murder by sex. If that was how Enrique was to die; tied to a bed and by the lips of the beautiful departed...he was ok with that. As Devil Town by Bright Eyes played through his earphones, he took in the changing sites around him. As he made his way further and further down the hill, the buildings became a little more decrepit and little more worse for wear. It wasn’t Hollywood and it wasn’t that well put together but it was home. Riding towards Rosefell High’s parking lot, Rico could see little clusters of students gathering. Some he recognised, like Spike, Minty and Lilith, others he did not, like girls the other three were talking to. He had to time his next move carefully; one step too fast or one too slow would ruin the evil plan that was forming in his deviant Mexicano brain. He would use all his wit, all his wisdom and all of his lyrical genius to pull off the first opening day meme of Rosefell. With precision timing, Enrique rolled past Spike and his Harem, turning to far them all with a radiant smile [color=FF8B00]”Ladies, you’re are all breathtaking, ignore the boy and any words that come from his mouth, he is a walking potato”[/color] Like a smooth criminal. The guitar man carried on last the group, satisfied that his job was complete. He loved Spike dearly like most but he could not resist. Satisfied with his genius, Rico let out a content sigh just in time to nearly be ran over by an arriving car [color=FF8B00]”Oh shit”[/color][/center]