Finkelstein straightened up in his chair, blinked twice, opened his mouth -- and then whipped his head around to investigate the sound of breaking glass. “[i]You[/i]!” he gasped. “What are [i]you[/i] doing in-- Hey! Don’t you [i]dare[/i] touch any more of my--” Jewel reached out and pinched the doctor’s beak-like lips to hold them shut, then pulled on them to make him face the tilting table. “You have a task to complete, [i]dear[/i].” Carver grinned at him, still holding his pose on the angled surface. “Disembowel me like one of your French corpses!” “Carver’s friends have been given permission to do whatever is necessary to [i]encourage[/i] you to get the job done as quickly and safely as possible,” Jewel added. She let go of his lips. “Task? Permission? The [i]nerve[/i]--” Finkelstein spluttered indignantly and turned to Jack. “Surely you’re not going to stand there and allow this absurdity! This is [i]my property[/i]!”