[hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ERxXJHE.png[/img] [color=888383]Location:[/color] World Tree [color=888383]Skills:[/color] Climbing[/center] [hr][hr] [color=888383]"Through the portal then!"[/color] Lara scrambled over the branches and then sighed at that as she looked at the large squirrel once more. Thankfully it was not slinging insults at her, thought honestly the squirrel could easily hit some of her sore spots with his words. She soon reached the portal and lept through it with ease. She landed in what some might call the super hero landing, on both knees and one hands, before she picked herself up and dusted herself off at that point. She looked around and then looked to Nadia and Arnora and nodded a bit. They were in Midgard, that she knew. Boston, if she remembered correctly, of course she was proven correct when she saw the Boston Harold newspaper on the ground. [color=888383]"Well then... we're in Midgard. Where do we go from here? Also... wait. Oh shoot."[/color] She realized her error in jumping through the portal with the others. [color=888383]"We were headed to Helheim..."[/color]