[centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/xqJ96xc.png[/img] [h3][sub]Ganisundur & Rinaas [i]hli[/i] Awqar[/sub][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DcTKPyv.png[/img][/centre] Both Rinaas and Ganisundur heard it happen - a callous deathsong, as careless as it was thoughtless - and it caused them both to pause. The songstress frowned deeply, her aged beauty gaining a severity of aspect rarely witnessed by her disciples. They had walked then for many days southward until the mountains reared up before them like cliffs from horizon to horizone. [i]We stand here, ye humble things / No further may you walk / So burrow deep or fly on wings / Like earthworms be, or hawks[/i]. They were silent as they approached, and Sinhuldo was not happy. "We are far from home, [i]adi[/i], and there are all kinds of strange creatures here near the mountains." And so Sonhuldo was the first to turn back. They continued through the mountains, follow trails and pathways until they came to a great cavern. Many elves milled around in the shade. They turned their heads towards Fihnoom with distaste. Humelves were not well liked round here. Rinaas spoke with them, asking about routes south. "Ah, south is it. Have a nose for death and an ear for noise have ye?" One asked in barely legible higher azumai. Rinaas surprised them all by responding in a different tongue, and the elves relaxed and conversed with her for a few minutes. "They have a caravan heading south, beneath the mountains. We can join it." She told her remaining three disciples. "This doesn't seem necessary, [i]adi[/i]," Girgaah spoke. Fihnoom looked tense beside him, Biruldaan unconcerned. "We are simply walking, Girgaah. Walking and listening. How can you sing if you don't look and listen?" "Ah, [i]adi[/i], I had rather look at beautiful dancing forms and listen to sweet nothings." He complained. "Then go do that." Was her simple response, and she turned away followed one of the elves into the cave and tunnels beyond. Ganisundur followed wordlessly and without hesitation, and Biruldaan followed nonchalantly. Fihnoom glanced to Girgaah, who frowned, pursed his lips, then backed away and turned his back on it all. The humelven woman looked into the darkness of the cave, sighed, then followed after the songstress and the two other disciples. "To walk in darkness is not like walking in the night." The songstress commented lowly, and no one who heard her understood. It was silent, speech was brief and fleeting. Ropes were important, and touch. Ganisundur remained close to Rinaas, but they were not of those who needed ropes or gentle touches to see one another. When they emerged into the twilight of a new day, the land the looked upon did not look so different from the one they had left behind. But it sounded different. The deathsong was louder, clearer, taunting and callous. It was not like any other deathsong - those usually sang with purpose, some were triumphant and some filled with honour. Some had within them the sadness of the killer and the killed. But there was none of that here. Rinaas swallowed and trembled, and Ganisundur placed a hand on her shoulder. She smiled at him and nodded wordlessly. Then she walked on ahead, and her three remaining disciples followed. [list][*][hider=Summary]Rinaas and Ganisundur heard the deathsong from Gibbou's nuclear attack and they journey to Welkoland via an underground trade route.[/hider] [*][hider=Prestige]+2 Prestige to Rinaas (~3,500 characters). 19 total. [/hider][/list]