"So, all of you can recall your visions that well?" Ruli asked, looking around. He shook his head at Daryll. "I don't think so. The woman I saw had red eyes. Not like Envy's. Just completely red. And wings." He paused, frowning. Something was so familiar about her. He rubbed at his brow. "Erg. I don't know. I can't remember most of it. It was like a dream. Pieces are slipping away." Ruli sighed, looking up to look at Kire. "Yeah, I'll get back and grab Gavin. Maybe even Envy, we can all work to-" Finally, Ruli's eyes fell on the idol Kire toyed with, and the details of it sunk in. "Where did you get that?" He asked, going still. "That's from Ziad. The temple. You mentioned the temple, didn't you?" Ruli glanced up to meet her gaze, looking alarmed. "She's ..." Holy Gods. "I think thats who I saw. I think I saw the goddess."