[centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/TiC9fEF.png[/img] [h2]Recovery 1 - Plea[/h2] [/centre] [hr] [sub][i]Year 30AA, spring, Ha-Dûna...[/i][/sub] She knew she had riled up for war in the moment, but Boudicca had woken up the morning after that horrid tournament with nothing but regret filling her stomach. Another war, so soon after the first one, too. She hammered her hay mattress furiously. Darragh had really played her, she would admit - she had genuinely thought he had come in peace. To think that it had all a cruel ploy to terrorise and break Ha-Dûna’s morale. But she would show them just what he had accomplished. Ha-Dûna was the leader of the pack in these lands, and the Cenél had dared to challenge her. Surely, the gods could understand retaliation against such evil. She quickly dressed herself, pulling on her kilt and undershirt, fastening both around her waist with a belt with a bronze buckle. She put on her many talismans and necklaces, donned her tartan plaid and wolfskin cloak and fasted both with each their pin. She would’ve done her hair as well, but her schedule demanded she attend the first war meeting by the [abbr=Around 09:00.]second thlénn[/abbr]. She hastened out of her longhouse, greeted quickly whoever she passed by, and walked the short distance from her home to the Ring of the Gods, wherein many druids, [i]théins[/i] and gentry already were making their morning routines. Her presence made those kneeling before the first statue on her route speed on their prayer and move on out of respect for their leader and fear of her morning face. Boudicca nodded slowly at their obedience and knelt down. The statue was the newest in the ring, not yet moss-grown and bleached by the sun. Its carvings and paint resembled a woman clad in silvery plates, holding aloft a sword much like Boudicca’s. Her hair was white as chalk, and to Boudicca’s slight chagrin, the artist had forgotten to include the pointed ears she recalled from her vision. It was Selesta the Champion Knight. Boudicca heaved a sigh and took off one of her necklaces, holding the string above her head by two fingers on each hand. The necklace held a large medallion of dwarven make, depicting the Stone God Boris between two hammers, a symbol of might. “My most humble greetings to the greatest warrior there ever was, the Champion Knight and my master, Selesta. It is me, your knight and servant Boudicca, thanking you for another safe morning in our city… But we have not been safe of late. As late as yesterday, there was a great calamity in our home, and I humbly ask for counsel. You said once that I could come to you if I needed help - well, now I need help, great goddess. Please, hear my plea.” As the prayer reached her ears Celestine sat up from the slight slouch that she had eased into over time as she sat upon the throne that overlooked The Longhall. The First Knight calling for aid? Equal parts intriguing and concerning. Taking a page from the book of the Dreaming God Celestine decided to reach out and touch at the mind of Boudicca instead of manifesting an illusion. Boudicca felt a gentle pressure akin to someone placing a helmet upon her head as a connection was made. Shortly thereafter a whisper would enter her mind as Celestine answered the call for aid. Celestine’s telepathic voice carried with it her usual tone of calm authority. [color=gainsboro][i]”Ser Boudicca of Ha-Dûna, I hear your plea. What is it that you need guidance on?”[/i][/color] As Celestine waited for an answer, she cast her divine senses out towards Galbar once again. Boudicca felt the pressure lessen slightly as Celestine’s full attention was not on her for a brief moment. It felt a bit odd to look at it now after she had seen The Endless Dream that lay beneath its physical surface. Steeling herself against the intrusive musings, Celestine took a moment to observe the surrounding area, and as she did she took immediate notice that something terrible had happened. People seemed to carry with them a fresh wave of rage and grief. Even Boudicca herself seemed to be affected by whatever turmoil had taken hold. Turning her attention back to the link that she had with Boudicca’s mind, Celestine asked another question. This time her voice carried the air and tone of a mother looking in upon a sick child. [color=gainsboro][i]”My chosen… What has happened here?[/i][/color] “Betrayal, my master - trickery perpetrated by a friend of our people. It was during the tournament we held in your honour - my opponent Hilda, she…” Boudicca’s voice encountered a bump in her throat and it took her a good three seconds to recover. “... She was put under the cruelest of spells. At first, we thought it was the act of gods - that her blasphemous words which she uttered in fatigue and mindlessness were the reason for her punishment. However, we discovered quickly that the perpetrator had escaped in the chaos, killing one of our guards and wounding another on his way out. This is a blatant declaration of war upon my people, and we must prepare. I… I have come to you asking for counsel - how should we proceed?” As she listened to Boudicca explain her perspective of the events that took place Celestine felt a twinge of regret. Her encounter with the Dreaming God had distracted her immensely with the communion that they had requested. If she hadn’t been thoroughly occupied with it she might’ve noticed. She might’ve been able to intervene… When Celestine next spoke her voice had shifted again. Now the tone she spoke with was full of regret. [color=gainsboro][i]”My chosen, I have failed you. I was occupied with another god and was not able to see such events as they unfolded. If I had been able to see them I would have intervened much sooner. For this, you have my apology.”[/i][/color] Celestine took a moment to remain silent and compose herself before speaking again. She did not wish to take sides in a mortal conflict, as it would be shunning some of the people that she held domain over. However, the person who initiated the curse was not going to be spared such a mercy. They could be punished for disrupting the tournament, which was something that Celestine would not tolerate. Speaking again, Celestine sought more answers. [color=gainsboro][i]”You mentioned that the perpetrator escaped? Has anything else happened? Do you know what manner of spell was cast? I may be able to undo its effects if I can find Hilda, though I cannot guarantee that even if the spell is broken she will be able to completely return to what she was.”[/i][/color] Hopefully Boudicca would know. Celestine desperately wanted to aid her chosen in some way after failing her so spectacularly. But Boudicca shook her head. “We still know very little - our druids are not familiar with the cursed arts of the Cenél, and neither the Bare-Footed Men of Nubveia, the shamans of Mink, the Three-Eyed Mother of Doserung nor the singing sages of the Meike have ever seen anything like this. We have Darragh’s accomplice held captive in the Temple of Truth, but so far, she feigns ignorance - it may well be that Darragh kept her in the dark about his operation to not leave loose ends, but we cannot take that chance.” She heaved a grim sigh. “... Lastly, we have yet to find Hilda’s son, Brian. According to his father, he went down to the ring to see the fight up closer, but we have counted and named the casualties after the uproar - it is as though he ran away from home and never came back.” She shook her head. “We sent a search party out this morning - hopefully, he is hiding somewhere in the plains.” Back within her realm, Celestine placed a knuckle to her chin as she contemplated how best to try and assist her champion. She had mentioned that Hilda’s son had been missing, and so there was something there that could be done. Turning back to the mental connection that she was maintaining with Boudicca, Celestine began to seek more information. [color=gainsboro][i]”You have said that Brian is missing? Do you know how Brian generally appears? If you could paint an image of him in your mind and offer it towards me, I could try and and find the boy.”[/i][/color] Celestine hoped that Brian would be alright. Anything to give Boudicca and the people of Ha-Dûna a moment of hope and respite in the face of the tragedy that had taken place. “Of course,” the knight responded. “He is as tall as a grown-up ewe, athletic and black of hair like his mother. He has a quiet, stern voice, but his cries are like those of any other child in pain - if he’s hiding, please listen for those. Oh! And he has a birthmark - a spot on his neck shaped like a leaf or a broad feather. The druids say it brings good fortune to display it, so he always wears his shirts loose in the neck. Look for that, if possible.” Once the description of Brian was given Celestine took a moment to expand her divine senses and look out across Ha-Dûna and the surrounding wilderness. Celestine held the expectation that a child would likely not be one to stray far from the village since they were likely still dependant upon family in some form or another. Accomplishing what would be hours or days of searching in mere moments, Celestine found nothing. Concerned, Celestine expanded the range of her search and looked again, only to find nothing one more. Expanding her search a bit further, Celestine began to grow concerned until she found finally found something that matched the description. Unfortunately, she did not find him in good condition. Through their mental connection, Boudicca could feel the swell of sorrow at a task not completed in a way that had been hoped. When Celestine whispered into Boudicca’s mind once more, the goddess’s tone was flat and emotionless. [color=gainsboro][i]”My chosen, I have located him… He is dead. He lies upon a rock some distance away from Ha-Dûna. I am sorry.[/i][/color] The message struck the sanndatr like a lightning bolt. “D-dead? Did he fall? Did an animal get him? What direction must we go in to find him?” Celestine’s voice was beginning to regain some of its normal tone as she spoke again. [color=gainsboro][i]“He is far to the south, well away from the city. I do not believe an animal did this. His arms and legs are bound. Something is not right. There seems to be another party involved in this.”[/i][/color] Boudicca’s eyes widened. She rose immediately to her feet and turned to a bypassing [i]théin[/i] heading home with his family after morning prayer, who stopped and returned a curious frown. “Is something the matter, sanndatr?” “Gather your band immediately, [i]théin[/i] Driod, and ride on elkback southwards. You will eventually find a large stone upon which lays… Lays a corpse.” “A corpse?!” the [i]théin[/i] exclaimed and many around spun to eye them all. Boudicca grit her teeth. “You are to bring it back here in the most respectful way possible. If you see anyone in the area around the stone, arrest them and bring them to me. Now go! Swiftly!” “A-at once, sanndatr! Eire, bring the bairns home and wait for me there. Bebinn, come quick, we have orders! Yes, you may finish your prayer!” He bowed swiftly to Boudicca, said “sanndatr,” and hurried off out into the city again. Around the knight, speculating whisper hummed forth like an approaching swarm and the sanndatr grit her teeth harder. “Sanndatr, what has happened?” came a question. “We will find out soon, I pray,” she answered curtly, tightened her cloak and plaid around her torso and marched off towards her house. She cast a glance to the sky and whispered, “What if we cannot find his killers? What do we do then?” A few moments after Boudicca mentioned the possibility of not finding Brian’s killers, she noticed a small glimmering grey object hurtling towards the ground at rapid speeds. Shortly after she noticed it the sphere of white mist would impact harshly into the ground before Boudicca’s home and kick up a great deal of dust. Thankfully the sphere of white mist had avoided impacting her home or any of the people milling about the area. From within this dust one could make out a brief moment where what appeared to be a suit of armor glowed red-hot before rapidly cooling. When the dust settled a figure wearing a great red hooded cloak was standing there. Beneath this cloak was an almost full suit of steel armor which glimmered in the sunlight. Hanging from their right hip was a longsword. A pair of gauntlet covered hands reached up briefly to remove the hood from her head, revealing a face almost identical to the statue of Selesta save for a pair of long and pointed ears. A few moments after removing her hood, the figure began to speak. [color=gainsboro]”You will, because I am going to help you. Whatever conflicts that emerge because of this event I cannot lay a hand in, but the blatant disrespect of my tournament will not go unanswered.”[/color] Boudicca stood speechless - as did everyone around. Slowly, she descended to one knee, then to two. The others in the vicinity, as well as an increasing number of people outside the city centre palisades that managed to peer in, came closer and closer to pray on their knees. The druids in the ring hastened over to kneel beside Boudicca, and the knight declared, “Ha-Dûna wishes welcome Estella, daughter of Selesta, the Grand Knight!” The avatar of Celestine merely stood in silence as the mortals gathered around her. Once Boudicca declared her welcome Celestine began to walk forward gently before kneeling down and placing a hand on Boudicca’s shoulder. Speaking once more, the avatar of Celestine corrected her before making a statement. [color=gainsboro]”I am no daughter, but an extension of Celestine herself. Rise, my chosen. You do not have to bow to me. If you can delay your riders for a moment, I wish to accompany them and examine things before they are too thoroughly disturbed.”[/color] As she finished, the avatar of Celestine would rise to her feet once more before offering a hand down towards Boudicca to assist her in standing. She took it, albeit very carefully and almost reluctantly and rose up, standing shorter than her which was usual. She pointed at one of the guards who was kneeling in the crowd and shouted, “You! Run to the southern elkyard and find [i]théin[/i] Driod! Tell him not to ride out and instead wait for our most esteemed guest.” The guard nodded quiveringly and sprinted off in a flash. “There, Master,” said Boudicca. “They will be waiting for you by the South Gate for when you are ready.” The avatar of Celestine would nod before turning towards the south gate and beginning to walk, likely causing the kneeling audience that her appearance had drawn to part rapidly. As she left, she spoke softly to assure them. [color=gainsboro]”Your faith in me shall not go unrewarded, people of Ha-Dûna. I will do my best to right the tragedy that took place at the tournament held in my name.”[/color] With that said, she would pick up her pace in order to reach the south gate quickly. Once there, she would speak confidently in order to find the person that she sought. [color=gainsboro]”[i]Théin[/i] Driod, I have come to both guide you to the location that you are being sent to and to investigate that location for myself. I will be traveling on foot, please try to keep pace or signal if you cannot. When we arrive please hold from approaching too closely, I do not know what else has been done and I will need to see if there is perhaps some trail to be found. Are you ready to depart?”[/color] When she finished speaking, the avatar of Celestine made her way to stand in the opening of the south gate, clearly eager to begin moving. However, nobody came. Instead, everyone had knelt down to pray upon seeing her - [i]théin[/i] Driod himself was busily dismounting to join in. “A holy being is among us! Praise be!” The avatar of Celestine nearly gave a sigh. She had imagined that the mortals of Galbar would be a bit more used to divine interference given the number of gods that held influence within the world, but perhaps it was not as she had understood. Speaking softly once again, the avatar of Celestine would attempt to redirect them onto the proper course of action. [color=gainsboro]”Your praise is appreciated, but there is little time to waste. Every moment we delay is a moment that the honored dead lie dishonorably, and the people responsible for insulting not only me and my tournament, but corrupting a member of your people into a monster with magic that is not understood slip further and further away. Please prepare to depart as I mentioned before.”[/color] “Oh! Of course!” The soldiers hastened onto elkback as before. As the riders remounted, the avatar of Celestine would call out a brief instruction before they began to move. [color=gainsboro][b]”Riders! Focus upon the red of my cloak to guide you! Signal if you cannot keep up!”[/b][/color] With that said she turned towards the south and began to run. With each step the armor she wore clanked and rattled and her red and gold cloak flapped erratically. The avatar of Celestine did her best to avoid completely outpacing the elk riders but her speed and agility were well above what they could accomplish. Ten to twenty minutes into their gallop, they reached the end of the farmlands and entered into the rocky grasslands, where the terrain began to slope upwards. The elks, perfectly adapted to the terrain, gracefully ascended to its top, where they rode past a great rock. One of the riders turned around by chance and yelled, “W-wait! STOP!” The cohort slowed and turned and the rider pointed. “There! Upon the rock!” Indeed, upon the rock laid a corpse, a small one, with black hair and a large linen shirt. As they rode closer, the [i]théin[/i] whispered, “By the gods… That’s Hilda’s son, Brian.” When the group arrived by the stone, the avatar of Celestine held up a hand to signal for them to wait. Approaching the rock gingerly she knelt down beside it and began to inspect Brian’s corpse. Making use of the immense sense of smell that her avatar possessed, Celestine did her best to pick up on what lingering smells might’ve been left on Brian himself or the surrounding area. When she was finished gathering what smells she could, the avatar of Celestine reached up to grip at the cloak that she wore and pulled free an identical copy of it. Gingerly picking up Brian’s corpse, she wrapped it firmly in the cloak before turning to the waiting riders and approaching [i]théin[/i] Driod slowly. Holding the bundle up to him she delivered firm instructions. [color=gainsboro]”Ride carefully back to Ha-Dûna and deliver him to your resting places. Then inform Ser Boudicca that I will not be returning immediately. There are things that I wish to look into here, and they may lead me abroad. I will contact her if I have news. Go![/color] “Un-understood, Our Goddess!” the [i]théin[/i] replied dutifully. With her final push for them to leave, she would step back from the elk riders in order to grant them space to move properly. Once they were gone, Celestine would turn her attention to the ground and begin to search for any kind of tracks or evidence that may have been left behind. Hopefully there would be something, or else this effort would be in vain. [hider=Sum-Sum] Bouddi angry about tournament. Want go fight. Ask help from gods. First god Celly. Celly say sorry, ask what happen. Boudi splain what happen. Celly get it. Use power. See dead boy on rock. Tell Bouddi. Bouddi send riders. Celly send avatar. Go with riders. They find body. Celly says bury it. Celly go track demon. [/hider] [hider=MP Summary] Celestine 5 MP/ 5 DP start. 1 MP: Scan the area around Ha-Dûna to locate the corpse of Brian. Celestine 4 MP/ 5 DP finish.[/hider] [hider=brestig :-DDD] Boudicca 32 + 5 = 37 [/hider]