Daryll looked immediately disappointed when Ruli said it wasn't the same woman. Myka, meanwhile, shrugged. "It feels like a dream. I can remember seeing it, but the feeling feels vague now," she replied. Kire watched Ruli, frowning when he said his visions were slipping away, wondering what else he had seen that was now fading from his mind. Until he stopped and looked at the stone figure. A goddess. The Amrians looked his way. Kire pursed her lips. "Fuck." Gods-be-damned twice over. Myka looked at Kire, anxious, before glancing at Ruli. "Is-is she, err...a benevolent goddess?" Kire frowned. "Which goddess?" she asked Ruli. "You told me about one goddess in your world. Solaralai, was it? If that's her, then, Myka, the answer to your question is 'no'." She leaned back on her chair, arms crossed. "Hopefully it's somebody else. [I]Gods[/i], really?" She asked, looking up and frowning. "[I]That's[/i] what They're sending me against?" "Well, we don't know yet if that's what you're supposed to do," Daryll put in. "We at least should learn more about this goddess, and these visions. Why we saw what we saw--or, maybe why it's [i]us[/i] who saw it. From the reports, most of the people here saw the desert but none of the other things." "So. Find out more about this goddess, and find out who that woman was in Daryll's vision?" Myka asked. Kire nodded.