It had been a long journey to get to this small town, regardless of whether it really was or not, it felt that it had taken ages and the Jihu had seen many things she never happened upon in the forest that had been Akko's home. Her wide-eyed gaze that tried to absorb every small detail of the relic like town was easily displaced as her simply being not from the area, just as her appearance raised no questions. No one could tell she had a fluffy tail swishing about behind her, right at her tail bone, or ears that stood up excitedly on her head. She was just a pretty young woman dressed conservatively in nicely tailor robes with a decently sized satchel secured on her person, completely in awe at seemingly mundane items she crossed paths with. The disguise was nice enough to keep her from being messed with by the unsavory sort, and the rest underestimating how fast she was kept her safe from the rest. Though that may simply, and more likely, be due to luck being on her side since having left her comfortable little home on this trek of hers. She had only two goals in mind, but that didn't mean she wouldn't get sidetracked at times with the unknown. Curiosity beamed in her golden orbs that danced all around as excitedly as she walked with a skip in her step. Why had she came to this remote town? Well, from what her real ears had overheard was the spreading whispers of someone who was well versed in magic might be here. Now as well off as she is with her own, it wouldn't hurt to get some kind of advice from a person who had mastered the arcane arts of mana. However that left her to her own devices to find such a person, and so being more on the clueless side, the little vulpine was easily distracted by a mere fountain that she could feel the cold water wash over her fingers when she poked at the gentle stream cascading down into the basin. Unbeknownst to the incoming duo, their conversation fell on a pair of hidden fur-covered ears that twitched. The leader? Was there a matriarch in this town? Her fingers were withdrawn from the water for her to stare at as her thoughts swirled. [color=92278f]"That doesn't seem right..."[/color]